They aren't getting as much direct light as they should. That is why the internodal distances, distance between leaf sets,
is longer than we like. You want to see more structure in the middle of the plant, overall more bushiness. That's because
structure = growing spots = bud sites = more yield. A lot of the manipulating us experienced growers do is to try to increase our yield.
I would have vegged another week or 2 as you can expect a small harvest from this group. There is simply not enough growing time left in the 6-8 weks
remaining for the plants to get bushy enough to jack up your take. I'll wager that your indica/sativa hybrid would have increased yield close to 50%
by wegging another 10-14 days. That knowledge will come with experience and lurking here is a good way to maximize your experiences. Make sure
you check back here and pay back our efforts to help by reporting what you have learned. Keep it going!