New Victory in Indiana!


Well-Known Member
nice man this is how were goin to change it on the federal level have so many states with medical they can't get rid of it and like they say "if ya can't beat em, join em"


Active Member
nice man this is how were goin to change it on the federal level have so many states with medical they can't get rid of it and like they say "if ya can't beat em, join em"
IKR! I can't wait to be able to posses,buy,use,eat & anything else you can do with cannabis. The possibilities are endless!


Well-Known Member
ok I read all of it and it does not say anything about being able to grow your own meds... so is the only way to get legal meds is to pay way over priced from a dispensary???


Active Member
i have a question for anyone that can answer....i just ordered beans from attitude...i live in indiana....and i just read this on the forums...

  • if your seeds are taken by most states customs sends you a shitty indiana customs contacts the state police..and out they come to your home with the dogs......​

is this true :(


Active Member
i have a question for anyone that can answer....i just ordered beans from attitude...i live in indiana....and i just read this on the forums...

  • if your seeds are taken by most states customs sends you a shitty indiana customs contacts the state police..and out they come to your home with the dogs......​

is this true :(
I don't know. I do know I don't fuck with middle men and only get from nirvana seeds. Seedbanks suck! There just middlemen. Why fuck with them when you can get from supplier. I would keep a close watch and if you have any in your home be ready to flush at all times! Also get rid of smoking paraphernalia. Stash it at your friends or something. Just keep papers and blunts. No pipes,bongs,vaporizer,cook book etc.


Way to go Indiana :D I dunno about the seeds thing in Indiana, but I should be expecting some seeds from attitude any day now. so if the state police show up at my house i'll be sure to let you know - only thing i have at my house is a few bongs and bud atm. :) no grows set up - the only thing i have is some FFOF.. and last i checked they can't take you to jail over a bag of soil lol i could be wrong though.
Hey Omar, did you ever end up getting them from attitude? I am in the same boat as you. Not sure if its true or not but it really shook me a bit...anyways, if you get a chance let me know. Very much appreciated!!!
i have a question for anyone that can answer....i just ordered beans from attitude...i live in indiana....and i just read this on the forums...

  • if your seeds are taken by most states customs sends you a shitty indiana customs contacts the state police..and out they come to your home with the dogs......​

is this true :(

Hey Omar, did you ever end up getting them from attitude? I am in the same boat as you. Not sure if its true or not but it really shook me a bit...anyways, if you get a chance let me know. Very much appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
Neither fail nor succeed. I think it ws tabled. However the fantastic Gov has decided to make possession laws a bit tougher. Anything over 21grams will be a felony and anyone convicted will have to spend 75% of their sentence in jail.

It seems that there are private prisons in Indiana that lobbied like hell for the new Gov and donated millions to his political campaign. In return the Gov has signed a contract making the state responsible to keep the prisons 90% full. Hoosiers... going backwards.

Whats more is that these prisons are work prisons. How about that for modern times. Pot heads getting picked on because they will make good prisoners and workers. I am not making this shit up. This was actually in print.


Well-Known Member
I cant say MI, is heaven by any stretch. But living in Indiana without meds seems like hell. If the distance from hell to heaven was a few hour drive,,,all you would see is the skid marks I left behind.. Sorry bout the BS!


Well-Known Member
I came from CO to here and yeah man... you are right. Kind of like hell. The head of the State Police came out and said he would like to see legalization a few months ago but lawmakers jumped his shit real quick. There was just a poll and over 60% of the poeple asked said they would like to see lighter penalties where less than 20% said stiffer. Hopefully the elected will follow the will of their constituents. I sure as shit will not be holding my breath until that happens.