New York: The best place for potheads.


Active Member
In New York, possession of a small amount of weed is only a 100 dollar fine if it's your first offense. No criminal record, no jail time, just a ticket.

If you like weed, come live in New York.


New Member
lol - might want to look up the laws in a lot of other places...even if you just want to get down to the eastern coast of the united states check out ann-arbor and north carolina are just some examples of places with light laws on marijuana...Ann-Arbor for example its a 25$ fine


Well-Known Member
lol - might want to look up the laws in a lot of other places...even if you just want to get down to the eastern coast of the united states check out ann-arbor and north carolina are just some examples of places with light laws on marijuana...Ann-Arbor for example its a 25$ fine

NC has almost completely decriminalized any amount under half an ounce. Plus you get the overwhelming advantage of NOT HAVING TO LIVE IN NEW YORK. It must be common knowledge because a unending wave of people trying to escape NY have been moving here to the Triangle.


NC has almost completely decriminalized any amount under half an ounce. Plus you get the overwhelming advantage of NOT HAVING TO LIVE IN NEW YORK. It must be common knowledge because a unending wave of people trying to escape NY have been moving here to the Triangle.

Good News to me living in here in NC. Good thing cause I dont want to live in any other state. The whitewater here is too good. GREEN RIVER!!!!!!

still dont want to get caught and break my clean record though


Well-Known Member
Philadelphia=Not even being arrested for possession of weed.I think the cops finally got the idea when people are shooting cops arresting pot heads is a waste of resources.


Active Member
lol honestly i use to smoke blunts in my car and drive by cops all day its the same thing i dont think there gonna stop me when 3 blocks down there crack heads and herion dealers on teh corners everyday and the cops talk to them and thats it lol


Active Member
In Cali. you can have a zip or less w/o a med. card. If you get caught its a ticket offence that's taken off your record in 2 months if you pay the fine or do the little song and dance drug course. Plus, theres a vote coming up this year for personal growth and consumption! Nor. Cal will be the weed capital of the world.