You should post this in the 'Newbie' Area. trust me, more of the right people will read it there (i am also a newbie being a first time grower and just entering flowering stage),
but, but ok here goes. don't ever use the timed release stuff. why? exactly why you are having prob. you have no idea what gets released and when. for now, try flushing them, hope they don't stress and die being flushd so young, repot if necessary, stay away from Miracle Gro pottingsoil. this stuff sux, I know, I have it. it is too acidic, and bug-infested. try again if you can't save them regular pot. soil, and just water for first few weeks. no nutes or fertz keep lights on them 24 hrs. if poss, or 18 on/ 6 off. post pics, (in 'Newbie' section) where first time growers post and we can better help you.
I found this site by accident been on here for only 1 month, learned a ton got many people to help me with my oproblems and now that I know more, I help direct people like you to learn to be a better grower so...
Stay Green!
P.S. I found this post completely by accident, not many more will)
Good luck oh, here is my setup completely gorilla but mine