NewB needs help on outdoor plants


Hi all, I have 3 autoflower plants that I grow outdoor in a continental weather area (Regular spring here). These plants are almost 4 weeks old, and I wonder why they are growing so slow. The weather here has been mostly cloudy for the past 4 weeks only one week that was shiny. I use regular 5.8 PH no additions soil. I have one plant that is completely dropped behind her sisters, it looks like as if it is 1 week old. Can you help me please what is the problem with that one, and why my plants look 2 weeks old at 4 weeks? Could it be the cloudy weather or bad soil? I know that autoflowers have a determined days of lifecycle will this slow growth affect my yield because they will flower earlier?SAM_0420.JPGSAM_0417.JPG
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Well-Known Member
Ok yes it wil affect your yield man sorry be the bearer of bad news auto r hard and easy it the first 2 weeks on main importance u need big pot u need only small amount nuts u wanna water very little just about 1 cup for first week so roots develop alot ect u need do bita reaseach to grow auto for max yield at 4 weeks u got another 5 or 6 weeks max ive seen auto 1 bud only as big as your finger


Ok so I did a little reading and I made a mistake, I was growing them in little cups for 3 weeks, instead I should have started with the intended final pot size, now I planted them into the ground in my garden, they have like 40 days left, I hope they can grow bigger now.


Well-Known Member
Reduce watering. The nights are probably still a bit chilly. Plants cant grow when the nights are cold. Also these autos grow like midgets even when they are going well.