Newb Question about preflowering.


Active Member
Hello everyone, It my first time growing a marijuana plant but I am a avid gardener, I grow lots of vegetables every year I understand how I need to feed my vegetable plants but the marijuana plant is a little different. I am using the hobbyist level of advanced nutrient with the Sensi A&B veg & bloom base. My question is once i notice that she is trying to flower, how long do I switch my base from veg to bloom? Immediately or wait till tops folly form?



Active Member
wait until you see some flowers forming .they can use the N and P (grow) in the first month of flowering or so. when they are starting to look done and smell good use bloom ferts or water

Po boy

Well-Known Member
careful with the bloom nutes. most do not contain enough nitrogen to keep the leaves green. i use bloom nutes usually only once during flowering. GL


Well-Known Member
I'm starting a diluted mix of veg/flower nutes my next watering. My veg is 4-1-1 and my bloom is 3-20-20. The bloom is MaxSea and they recommend applying the bloom nutes every 7-14 days, which is every 2-3rd watering for me. I don't think you'd hurt anything by transitioning to your bloom nutes within the next week or so..Just watch your girls closely and see how they are reacting to the switch in nutrients.