

Active Member
I live in shasta county. I was wondering is the begining of may is a good time to plant clones outside. the last time i put clones outside in mid april they started budding. was it due to lack of sunlight hours? How hours do out door plants need to veg. In may sunrise starts at 5:47 and set around 8:26, is that enough time? Usually everyone starts in june up here.


Active Member
ideal veg time for plants is 18/6 or more...flowing ideal time is 12/12...but if the plants getting 13/11 or 14/10 i may flower..sounds like your right in the middle may get mixed results...alot of growers veg indoors till the plant is 1 to 3 feet tall then stick it not sure if thats an option for you but you may want to consider not fo sho where u live but it sounds like pacific coast..basicly out there u can stick a plant outside any time of year damn near and it will flower alot of the time. it also depends on the strain you decide to work with..there are alot of X factors here but i hope i helped clear a few things up.


Well-Known Member
ive put sprouts out on march 28 with no problems.but i like to go for 2 harvests sometimes.... so this year i put some clones outside like 4 or so weeks i got some nice purple buds going on my i wait for them to fully mature.....then i cut the buds off but make sure to leave plenty of green foilage on them as possible.....then theyll convert back to veg for awhile....then ready to harvest again come fall