Newbi Help plz


Active Member
This is my first time growing marijuana and I have four seeds germinating in paper towels. They have been in there about four to five days now. One of them now has a big root that is white with a little redish pink near the seed. The seed itself has just about split in half and I can just barley see the two clover looking leaves ready to break out. I am going to put it into soil tomorrow morning. I have some questions. 1. did I germinate too long? I don't think I did, if I put it into soil in the morning. I will post some pics to keep you guys up-to-date on what I am looking at.

Here are the germinated seed at 5 days.



Well-Known Member
place root down if others are cracking they should be good in 24 hrs. that 1st should be in dirt sooner the better. i would put in soil up to the bottom of the seed. others 1/4 in under when tail shows


Well-Known Member
This is my first time growing marijuana and I have four seeds germinating in paper towels. They have been in there about four to five days now. One of them now has a big root that is white with a little redish pink near the seed. The seed itself has just about split in half and I can just barley see the two clover looking leaves ready to break out. I am going to put it into soil tomorrow morning. I have some questions. 1. did I germinate too long? I don't think I did, if I put it into soil in the morning. I will post some pics to keep you guys up-to-date on what I am looking at.

Here are the germinated seed at 5 days.
NOW not tommorrow, if you see leaves you left it too long. Plant it !/2 " deep in soil & put under light
Good Luck :)