Newbie Cloner Problems

This is my first post here and I look forward to your advice. I've spend a lot of time on here researching questions I've had in the past, but this one seems to not have the right answer for me. I have begun my first test clones just to see how it goes. Running into problems right off the bat. Setup is as follows for my clones:
80-87 degree temps
lights about 6" above them
18hr lighting
water with "quick start" added in low dose to it
using soiless mix as medium
misting them daily
removing humidity dome for about 20 mins twice a day to allow them to get some fresh air

I will include pics. What do you guys think is wrong with them? They are turning brown, not showing growth and just dont look good. And yes I've taken time to read a lot and watch many videos, but sometimes questions just can't be answered that way.
Also, note that I used powder rooting hormone on the clones before placing them in the soil. Can't get a hold of the gel version in my area.


Well-Known Member
Ooo that's not good, not at all my clones are turning a bit yellow and it's day 7 tho. Man sounds like ur doin it right... Hmmm give em a day or three and don't use more nutes

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Not sure when you took these cuttings but I did notice two things from the pics. The soilless media appears plenty moist so any potential new roots may have a tough time getting any oxygen. The other thing is the overall size of the cuttings. That is a fairly large amount of foilage to support from a small or even non-existent root system. I've have good success with smaller clones and very few leaves. This seems to lessen the chance of unecessary transpiration and/or moisture loss. Typically I take the cuttings from about 4th or 5th tier of growth as supposedly more of the hormones are present that are needed to stimulate root developement but I am more than a little bit dubious of this reasoning. I only leave the top 3-5 leaves and then apply a anti-transpirant to the entire plant, leaves, stems and all. I'm not sure there is any advantage to any rooting hormone over the others with the exception of the gel's as they seem to cling to the stem a little better and keep the stem softer during he rooting process.
Thanks for the input so far. I'll be taking a few more clones soon and I'll try to cut back on the leaves. Not sure what to do with these ones. They look pretty rough. I have them in 1" standing water. Should I take them out of this if it may be impacting oxygen levels to the roots? I've always been told to keep em in standing water when first cut, about and 1", but no idea when to take them out of that. Maybe that's the problem?
You don't want them in standing water from what I know. Just wet the soil initially and then mist. Yellowing means they are using up energy from the leaves and rooting. If you have black between the stem and leaf it usualy is mold causing it. In 10 to 15 days you should have some roots starting but that doesn't mean they are big enough to support the whole plant yet. I have read it can take up to 14 to 21 days for a good root system. My clone is on day 17 and it is still not ready for outside the humidity dome.
See I was told that you wanted to keep the freshly cut clones' tips under water to avoid air getting up the stem for at least the first few days if not longer.


Well-Known Member
ok for one cut the tips off the leaves...........dont mist them so much there in a humidity dome i never mist mine and i root about 90% of my ak-clones(and ak-48 is supposed to be a hard strain to root) cut any dead matter off and the lower fan leaves.....wait a week or two....and check for roots i just gently and i mean really softly pull on the stem if it comes out and has no roots after 2 weeks toss it....


Well-Known Member
keep medium slightly damp and dont take lid of for about a week at least,leave them be.same as above i dont mist either,humidity in dome should be enough.i dampen cubes and thats it for a fortnight no more water.


Well-Known Member
I use Clonex solution and Roottech Gel. Cloned them in a domed tray with perlite and cloning solution in the bottom tray and just sprayed them with 5.6 water twice a day.

Day 16

PowerKush Clone Potted.jpgPowerKush Clone Roots.jpg