newbie first grow and nutes question


Active Member
Hey Guys

I am pretty sure this have been asked a million and trillion x's50 billion. But i cant seem to find the answer. Well I kinda did but didnt? So here is my grow setup is ebb and flow

Room: 3x3x6 grow tent
Lights: 8 T5 HO (please take it easy on me here)
Medium: rockwool
Plants: white widow and norther lights
ventilation: 1 4' inline and another 6in oscilating fan

I have everything down but the nutes, everywhere i go every research ive done on them its been mixed feelings. Ive been leaning towards AN hobbyiest bundle but then i hear you get ripped off and that its all hype. Then i switch up to see what about cyco nutes and thats the same.

What if i used GH 3 part? do i need any other additives? It seams to be a good product. I seen this guy on you tube that shows his grow which is massive and he said he only used GH 3 part.

what about with AN and Cyco do i need to HAVE ALLLL those additives within bundle or can i get away with just a couple of other additives/nutrients arghhh i am so confused.

I guess what it does bowl down to is $$$ i dont have a lot of it and i would like to produce some kind of yield with some good quality. anywho sorry for the long post maybe you guys can help out. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Hi I struggled with this too. You can even use a general 20/20/20 nute that dissolves in water as long as you follow the instructions. I looked at House & Garden which has a simple 2 bottle formula in soil that goes through both grow and bloom. Looked good but it was a bit more expensive. I settled on AN sensi grow, and will use AN sensi bloom for the flower stage because this was the cheapest of the specific nutrients. GH is popular but 3 bottles and it was more expensive for me where I am. So choose what is reasonably priced for you and choose something simple is what my advice would be, and use less than instructed. Personally, I will not be using all the additives of the AN line. The plants all need basic nutrients, not fancy pitches!

Welcome to the forum and good luck!


Well-Known Member
I've been using the GH Flora series for some time now and love the stuff, it's not too expensive compared to others and easy to use, I don't use any additives 'cause I believe the nutes are sufficient, to me all these extras seem to be too much, I belive that as long as you feed your plants they will grow to their potential, I am however trying Floralicious plus ( addative ) but find it too expensive, I may try floralicious grow and bloom ( addative ) but don't intend to make it my standard feeding, I have notice that if you mix Flora series according to the instructions that it's way too strong and only mix half strength with good results, of course for seedlings and small growths I use half the half dosage, hope that makes sense, best of luck with your grow.


I use the GH FloraNova series... start with Grow and eventually move into Bloom. Yes, the line is on the top of the list as for pricing but well worth it. Just follow the manufacturer's instructions. If you have half way decent babies then that's all you'll need. Good luck my friend.


Well-Known Member
This is probably not the answer that you wanted to hear,
but with so many choices out there for nutes,I didn't want to just hit you with another name.
Instead read up on what the plant needs during different phases of it's life and find a "Complete"
Nutrition in your price range.What I mean by "Complete" is not a manufacturers line up necessarily,
but the right Micros and macros in the correct proportions. But if you did just want a name, for the money and
simplicity I'd go with Jacks.


Active Member
Thanks guys

I guess after reading all that has been posted just watch my ppm and make sure ph is good. all that said, i just got a great deal on AN products. So i think ill go that route, but....... i will not do a whole line just the sensi grow and bloom and maybe a couple of additives. THanks again guys.