Newbie first grow!! any advice? Jillybean CFL


Hey I am currently growing just one plant that I was told was Jillybean. I received it as a clone about 6" tall and have just started flowering a few days ago under (4) 25w cfl lights (12/12). The preflowers have opened and little white hairs are starting to come out. I am using FoxFarm soil and no nutrients. She gets watered when she feels light again. I also believe my plant previously stretched due to my light source being to high. Any advice or comments are appreciated. Thanks!:peace::leaf:bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Plant looks nice. def needs more light.. looks like you have nice color in your leafs


Well-Known Member
yeah as stated above you should look into getting more light(s), and also some sort of nutrient system.


Thanks all! I'm definitely looking into a new light source. Maybe more cfl bulbs due to my limited space where heat might pose a problem. Im actually grabbing some nutrients tonight from a friend of mine. I'm also using a 'dirtpot' instead of a plastic bucket. Anybody ever use them? Thanks again!