newbie first grow setup equipmet


ok i just germinated 5 seeds roots are about 3/4in long im about to plant them but first i want to make sure i have everything i need for now to start my grow. they are all fresh bag seeds from a dank strain. i was surprised too even find seeds in the herb. but anyway i have a 600 watt hps and 600 watt mh bulb w ballest and hangers a couple cfls and im going to purchase sum soil today when i get sum pots. this will b a closet grow 2x6x7 id say. so my question is do i have what i need to start ?? and once the seedlings r planted what water cycle shud i b doing i dont want to over or under water them.


Active Member
Ok you have the tools for the job bud.get GOOD high quality soil like fox farm or something.get some GOOD nutrients NOT MIRACLE GROW the shit is worthless.I hear jacks classic is good and if you search on here you can find some others mentioned.I do hydro so I use diferent nutes.Also get black pots because anything else can let light in and rot your roots.also your going to need to move air in your closet with some kind of exhaust and air intake cause its going to get HOT my 400 watt light gets my closet to 95 degrees unless im running a constant fan.As for watering its kind of a learned thing you will just know when they need it.the pot will get heavy when you first water it so pick it up a few times the first day so you get a feel for how heavy it should be then when it gets real light you will know it needs water.also you can stick a finger in the dirt a couple inches and if it feels dry then it is.the lifting method works the best though.good luck growing! :)