Newbie Foliar Feeding TIPS

Just felt like sharing some of my recent experiences, many of us new growers make the same mistakes and I wouldn't want anybody to have to go through this.

Through my months and months of reading I somehow forgot about lights ability to magnify through water and burn your plants.

So people as basic as it is and as many times it has been posted. DO NOT SPRAY YOUR PLANTS WITH THE LIGHTS ON!!!! (noobs only)

That is without saying, there is an exception if you are to simply move the lights farther away and minimize the intensity you will not be as subject to plant burn. This distance can also vary greatly depending on your lights and your set up.

This thread is simply a heads up because I've always known not to do this. But for some reason with the "chaos" of growing for the first time. I panicked at the first sign of trouble and started looking at deficiency charts and looking for corrections. After noticing the problem I foliar fed them like usual with the lights on and close to the plant with an Epsom Salt solution(to cure my "problem") . Hours later I was casually reading on R.I.U. when I remembered about plant burn and foliar feeding with the lights on. I rushed into the grow room to find my plants immediately more burned and in worse condition (huge progression in 2 hours over the last 48 hours of monitoring). I was hoping to dry them off because at this point I knew the problem. The damage only confirmed it.

That being said. A bigger panic , or no moment of clarity would have sent me on a wild goose chase of nutrient products and potentially harming my plants irreparably. Funny to think that if I didn't attempt to foliar feed or over-monitor my plants, this would have never happened. My care and obsession for them was inevitably what hurt them. Learning is a bitch. (a pro's care and obsession clearly differs)

My current foliar feeding consists of waiting 2 hours into my dark period after the lights and room have cooled substantially, then with a fine mist spray bottle i spray the tops and undersides of the leaves on all my plants.

For more info on foliar feeding.. which is also an ADVANCED cultivation technique. Please refer to other threads and what not. As you might assume, noobs can only help so much before they hurt other peoples crops. So i'm not the guy.

Thanks R.I.U.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Good Post.

Avoid problems entirely by feeding plants the way they should be fed, through the roots.