Newbie Grower Reserve Privada's Headband grow from seed to 4th week of flowring now.

How many new grower's actually succeed in their first grow?

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Damon Jones

First time grower decided to not start with a bagseed but the most expensive seed out(not a good idea):cuss:but she did grow for me. When people say these plants are weeds and can withstand alot, that statement is soooooooooo true b/c I put this palnt threw hell with a exclamation mark!!!!!!! Using FF nutes with hygrowzeme as an additive for the roots. Like I said before I'm a newbie so I went through my trial stages already but I think I pretty much got a hang of things. Here's a run down of my system: 10 gal res with 6 inch bubbler(soon to change) 150 hps light and 8 cfl's on the side and top of the plant, 6ft mylar tent, 3 fans for air circulation. Got a couple of new one's going a blue widow and a GHS A.M.S there still in the kindergarden and elementary school stages but 1 i will grow hydro again and the other in soil hopefully to make into a mother.By that time I should have y grow room set up the way I want it so I can clone her out and not do the seed thing anymore,I absoultly hate growing from seed:cuss:takes to long and my success rate sucks. That's all I can think of so here are some pic's from beginning to right now enjoy.bongsmilie


Damon Jones

I think I have 5 more weeks of flowering to go my nute ec is 1.7 right now or should I increase it more and more everyweek ,or keep it down so it won't be to hard to flush out the nutes at the end towards harvest?

Damon Jones

It's the 4th almost 5th week of flower and the other is a bagseed that i started now growing well the small one is GHS A.M.S and the 3 starters are GHS white rhino,Nirvania Crystal, and another bag seed. Feeling like i can be a successful grower cloner by the end of the year.:clap:


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
thanx mane I was hoping so it's been along time coming now. Appreciate you stopping by
Hey no worries bro it is tough waiting for them to finish but don't cut her early! Wait till the hairs turn amber and start to pull back into the buds and if you can check the trichs. I chop when 90% are milky white. If you wait till they start to turn amber your THC starts to break down. "that is what I have read and heard" GL on your crop brotha and keep an eye out for hermie, I had two of my Reserva pravada ladies hermie on me so keep an eye on the nodes and see if you see any banana clusters.

Damon Jones

I'm happy to say the sugar or crystal formation on the buds are nice.:-P I put the unknown plant into flower yesterday it has been stinky since 2 weeks into veg,really cant wait to see what she turns out to be she has huge fan leaves so I see she is Indica dominent:?: I have a picture of 2 more plants in a seedling stage the med size one is GHS A.M.S and the smallest one is Nirvana Crystal.Comments are encouraged.:weed: peace!


Damon Jones

Can an experienced grower tell me how much longer it looks like they have to go,from the time I switched the lights on her it should be 3 weeks from now but from first signs of flower add two more weeks so I dont know but would like some input.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
She doesn't look like she will be done in two weeks bro! She will get there don't get all chop crazy on her! ;) Give her the time she needs she will show you when she is done. Trust me don't chop her early cus at the end of the flowering cycle the plant will go through a fattening stage and she will also push out more resin as a last attempt to catch pollen so DONT chop her till she is ready! Subed up to your thread, I will be keeping an eye on your girl.

Damon Jones

Thanks for the advice bro i'm being patient got a new unknown going and very interested in what her stinky ass is. Stay tuned for the final product

Damon Jones

More pics coming soon, the tent is starting to smell but I can't tell which 1 is causing the smell.Also can someone tell me why people veg a plant for like 40 days and still get a 2 or 3 foot plant. Doesnt growth happen when your lights are hanging high enough or have a sativa dominent plant. Help me with this answer because I have an A.M.S. I'm thinking of letting go that far.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
More pics coming soon, the tent is starting to smell but I can't tell which 1 is causing the smell.Also can someone tell me why people veg a plant for like 40 days and still get a 2 or 3 foot plant. Doesnt growth happen when your lights are hanging high enough or have a sativa dominent plant. Help me with this answer because I have an A.M.S. I'm thinking of letting go that far.
Hey bro it depends on what you do, clones take less time to get to the desired height than seeds. Each strain is different on what height I switch them to flower because each strain has a different stretch when flipped to flower and my grow rooms are only so tall so I have to learn each strain to figure out when to switch. What I would do is research your strains you are currently growing and see how much stretch they have when switched to flower. My Nirvana bubblelicious plants stretch about 50-75% but my Sour Kush stretch about 200% so there is a big difference on when to switch them to flower. You also have other factors such as topping that will slow down a plants growth and make them grow a lil more bushy and encourage branch growth for more colas. I also keep my light a max of 1.5 feet away from my plants, if it is further away then your plants will stretch to the light and you wont get close node production. As you can see bro there are so many different things that go into how your plant grows. My best advice to you is learn a few strains and stick with them! If you do that you will be able to maximize your yeilds off those strains. Also if you take clones you will be even better!

I am really getting to know my Bubbas and I am working tword getting 4 oz's off each plant dry. I know that isn't anything to brag about but that is where I am at with my grows and for now that is my goal! ;)

Damon Jones

Hey bro it depends on what you do, clones take less time to get to the desired height than seeds. Each strain is different on what height I switch them to flower because each strain has a different stretch when flipped to flower and my grow rooms are only so tall so I have to learn each strain to figure out when to switch. What I would do is research your strains you are currently growing and see how much stretch they have when switched to flower. My Nirvana bubblelicious plants stretch about 50-75% but my Sour Kush stretch about 200% so there is a big difference on when to switch them to flower. You also have other factors such as topping that will slow down a plants growth and make them grow a lil more bushy and encourage branch growth for more colas. I also keep my light a max of 1.5 feet away from my plants, if it is further away then your plants will stretch to the light and you wont get close node production. As you can see bro there are so many different things that go into how your plant grows. My best advice to you is learn a few strains and stick with them! If you do that you will be able to maximize your yeilds off those strains. Also if you take clones you will be even better!

I am really getting to know my Bubbas and I am working tword getting 4 oz's off each plant dry. I know that isn't anything to brag about but that is where I am at with my grows and for now that is my goal! ;)
Thanks for the info bro this new plant it has smelled since birth and now she's getting better to me worse for he outsiders but I think its a northern light but not sure.

Damon Jones

Ok thinks to everyone who has stopped by to check my grow out so far, special thinks to Howie for the resent info drops but here are the pics of her lately enjoy! :weed:


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Man your Headband is looking better than my RP headband! LOL all the beans that I have grown from RP have been stretchy not really big producers. I love my Nirvana strains! Your grow looks like it is comming along quite well brotha.

Damon Jones

Thinks for the comment Howie how long did you let the your HB grow for? I think mine is on week 7 more pushing 8 for my first time I'm hoping for a 20g dry what do you think? I really need to invest in a scope so I can better check my trichs.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I probably veged mine for around 55-60 days and flowered for 8 weeks. Maybe it is my setup but all my RP beans have been huge disapointments. But my Nirvana strains have been awesome, so go figure. You can pick up a little scope at Radio Shack for like $20. It is a real cheap investment, I would suggest one that goes to 100% mag that is all you will need. My scope goes from 100-200-400 and anything over 100 is a waist of time.

Damon Jones

Thanks for the info Howie you have been a good help. The buds are really getting fat now glad you told me to wait but oh the siccors are coming soon. What Nirvana's do you grow I have a free seed growing now called Crystal hope she turns out to be a nice grow.