Newbie grower

Doxie Mama

Hi, just wanted to check in. First time growing ever, and I have a lot of questions. Does anyone have growing info on Orange Cookies or XJ-13, my other 2 strains have more info. Thanks
You can even checkout the strains breeder info, it will tell you aprox flower times and where it does best indoor,green house, outdoor.

Hi, been searching different sites for info on Oco, Oj x Gsc. Not too much to go on so far. They are growing outdoors with 3 other hybrids. They all look really good, but having to pick off treehoppers until we find an effective natural spray. :)
Hi, been searching different sites for info on Oco, Oj x Gsc. Not too much to go on so far. They are growing outdoors with 3 other hybrids. They all look really good, but having to pick off treehoppers until we find an effective natural spray. :)

Look into captain jacks. It's what I use with a bit of neem and a drop of dish soap and it works great. Captain Jacks dead bug is the name if you're interested in checking it out. The nice part is you can spray it even into flower if you need to. The neem added along with the Dead Bug is only for vegg not flower. Another product I've had awesome results with is Azamax. Stuff works really good but has to be rotated with something else so bugs don't get immune to it. I mix neem with it every other application and it did great. I switched to Caprain Jacks because it works just as good and seems like a healthier option. Just remember Neem and Azamax are pretty strong. So if you have bee hives or butterfly bushes around your plants be careful spraying it in windy days.


EDIT- The soap is just a wetting agent to make stuff stick. I use a drop of Dawn per 32oz. Make sure you don't use anti bacterial soap though.