Newbie help needed. Here are pics


Well-Known Member
Go to your other post, click edit and copy the body of the post. Come back here, click edit and then paste to this one. You'll get quicker replies. Some people won't bother to click through all that.

I have some guesses but I'd be here asking as well so I'd rather not give possibly bad advice.


Well-Known Member

Please click the link. I posted my pics in the nutrient thread . Can someone give there opinion on my leaves , trunk, and tent?
I think u need a ph pen asap,you are not in the correct ph uptake spot to get what she needs.sometimes the nutrients can be in the soil or you can feed her but the ph is not right to absorb.,overall looks ok just get your ph in range and feed some micros


Well-Known Member
im not a fan of the fox farm nutes

a picture of the plants looking down on the top might be usefull

usually magnesium def will have twist in the leaves or a taco shape on the margins

not having a ph kit is a big no no

you can get the $5 dropper kit
it works fine