Newbie help with room


I have a garage 20x20 an im building an 8x8 room inside of it I'm going to insulate the 8x8 an puting in a mini split I don't want to run c02 till I get some gross under the belt I am wondering on what to do about intake an exaust do I pull intake air from outside or from inside the garage an do I exaust outside in the attic or in the garage I also have 2 tents i could put inside the 8x8 room then I would have like a lung room not sure what to do never growed like this before only growed in a bedroom with tents before will be runing 2 400watt mh/hps 6inch cool tubes the xxl ones thanks for any info that will help me
Honestly I would put a minisplit in there, hang a co2 generator and call it a day. Insulate really well because the garage probably gets hot/cold.

If you have to vent you won't want to pull air from the garage if it's hot in the summer. Never exhaust into an attic, black mold... Exhaust outside. Get fresh air from a consistently cool source (maybe inside if you have AC).

Get an 8x8 tent instead of building a room. Tear down to move it easy. Just a better situation IMO.