Newbie need some help


New Member
Hi everyone! So I have a little issue I have not seen yet, I'm guessing it's water stress just not sure what yet. So I'm in 3rd week of veg 600w mh, using cocoloco soil mix. 70-76 day time temps 66-70 night. 55/65% humidity day 65/75% night . Only gave 1 light feeding age old grow veg mix. Rest has been plain ph'd water 6.0 to 6.5..also 1 feeding silica very light as well. And 1 foliar of cal-mag. They are in half gallon pots watering every 2 days it seems. Any pointers would be helpful thanks all!!


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it`s either

light burn, heat stress, wind burn or over feeding

could the foliar feed you gave been hot or burnt it ? did you do it with the lights off ?

I like at least a 10c temp drop at night but that`s more important during flowering

sounds like you should be feeding 1 to 3 times per week in coco but near the top like that its normally related to overfeeding or heat stress or wind burn

but yeah if you spray them with the lights on that can burn them too

check you mixed everything up correctly very easy to put too much in or read something wrong
Thanks for the reply. The soil I'm using is a mix of coco and ocean forest from fox farm. The foliar and every feeding I've done has been 1/4 recommend from what's on the bottle and ph'd after to 6 to 6.5 range. I know that soil is strong so all but 2 watering has been plain water. Now I don't think it's heat stress , but possibly wind burn I did have a fan blowing on them non stop non oscillating either for 2 weeks . When this happened I bought a new oscillating fan so that could be a possibility. I will try moving the fan further back. Let's say it's wind burn I would imagine it would recover fairly fast??
Thanks for the reply. The soil I'm using is a mix of coco and ocean forest from fox farm. The foliar and every feeding I've done has been 1/4 recommend from what's on the bottle and ph'd after to 6 to 6.5 range. I know that soil is strong so all but 2 watering has been plain water. Now I don't think it's heat stress , but possibly wind burn I did have a fan blowing on them non stop non oscillating either for 2 weeks . When this happened I bought a new oscillating fan so that could be a possibility. I will try moving the fan further back. Let's say it's wind burn I would imagine it would recover fairly fast??

leaves that get wind burn never recover but the rest of the plant should grow fine

yeah its a balance just enough to rustle the leaves any more and they can get wind burn, distance helps yes and a down draft is good for keeping the bugs off the plants but an up draft can help cool the plant better

I guess its why you see a lot of 6" and 8" clip fans over bigger fans I like 16" and bigger for moving the air around but they normally need to be set on low if there even 1m near the plants or you set them to blow just over the top of the canape

if its wind burn then it should recover fine

if the soil is too hot then it`ll get worse, I`ve never mixed soil with coco but I have hear people say some of fox farms soil is a bit hot out the bag...
Yeah this all new setup here in this room, this is my 3rd grow but it's been along time :) . I appreciate your help and will try adjusting fans first. Do you think high humidity and to high temp at night would do that? Highest was 70 at night once . Same as day temp. Had high humidity outside so a/c wasn't working as well then.
Just wanted to update . It was heat stress turns out my indoor outdoor thermometer was off . The outdoor reads 6 degrees cooler than the indoor which in fact basically caused major heat issues. Plants are already looking better.Thanks for your help