Newbie needs confirmation of gender


Active Member

This is my first grow and I want to be sure of the sex of my plants before I discard them. Please look at the picture I took of what I think is a male. They were vegged for 6 weeks and have been under 12/12 for a week. I only have 2 out of 12 that I am sure are female (showing pistils). I think I was just unlucky and most are going to be male. Next time I may pay the extra price for feminized seeds.




Active Member
that looks like a male to me but im not 100% im sure one of the more expierenced guys or gals will tell you for definate


Active Member
Thanks for the help. I kind of figured that they were males. I only have 2 left, but they are doing well. Hopefully in the next seven weeks or so they will bulk up some. I haven't smoked for years, but I thought it would be an interesting hobby for winter. I think having the HPS light around helped with my usual January and February depression. Now I can smoke without having to mess with a dealer and I will know exactly what's in my bud.



Well-Known Member
I haven't smoked for years, but I thought it would be an interesting hobby for winter. I think having the HPS light around helped with my usual January and February depression. Now I can smoke without having to mess with a dealer and I will know exactly what's in my bud.
I was in the same boat as far as not having smoked for years, and am 7 weeks into flower on the same strain. It's awesome not having to deal with anyone to get high, and this is some of the best pot I've ever smoked. something tells me when I harvest I'm going to have enough ganja to last me almost a year.