Newbie needs help! help me set up my first indoor grow!


Well-Known Member
I recommend you save your seeds until you have $500+. You'll prolly frustrate yourself trying to scrape up a grow with $100, not saying it can't be done!


Active Member
100 bucks isn't a lot. People would need to know more to make a good recommendation. Do you live in the US or somewhere else? How many seeds are you growing. Whats the area you have like. Do you have central ac or anything if so if there a vent in the room? are there windows close by? Things like this.


If you haven't already check out the book "Marijuana Buds for Less: Grow 8oz. of Bud for Less Than $100," its a great newbie book that covers a lot of material, the author shows how to use CFLs effectively and gives a day by day account of the entire growing process. Definitely the place I would start if I were just starting out with minimum funds.
Other than that, browse the forums and get some creative ideas on what other people have done and are doing. It can be done.

Supply Mane

100 bucks isn't a lot. People would need to know more to make a good recommendation. Do you live in the US or somewhere else? How many seeds are you growing. Whats the area you have like. Do you have central ac or anything if so if there a vent in the room? are there windows close by? Things like this.
no windows, basement grow, 5 seeds,no ventilation, seeds take a total of 75 days seeds to harvest temp will be around 70 F. and yess i live in the u.s


Active Member
Ok good info. 100 bucks doesn't give you a lot of options. Well with 5 plants, if your pressed on doing them all at once I'd go with this.... ... Its a bare kit but will grow 5 nice sized plants. I've wired one before and its not hard at all, comes with the diagram. This wont leave you with any money for something to veg them under so you'd just have to use it all the way through the grow. This.... ... to go in it. This puts you close to 100 bucks already. Assuming you can use some buckets or containers lying around and get cheap soil the only thing you have to worry about is heat. The air has to be exchanged in there or at least moved around in a big area to get the plants co2 to breathe. A couple of fans blowing air around may be enough. When I wired mine I made a makeshift cool tube with some ducting and a shitty thin glass vase. There are videos on youtube for cutting glass by using string lighter fluid and cold water. It works just cant have glass that's too thick. With that said if you don't need to do all 5 plants at once something like this ...... would work and keep heat down. I wouldn't put more than 3 plants under there, Most likely just 2. With the extra bulbs so you have 4 grows and 4 blooms would take it up to about 85 buck leaving 15 for pots and soil. As Voi said checking out Buds for less is a good idea. Heres a link.... .... In this book he uses MG soil which a lot of people says burns seedlings but it doesn't unless you over water. It is cheap and easy to use. Probably a good idea for your first grow. After that read a grow bible, ed rosenthal, greg green, and jorge cervantes all have one, pick and read at least one. So hope I helped a bit. If you have any questions Ill check back on this thread tomorrow/later.