Newbie question about flowering

Ok this is my 2nd grow but first one to make flowering. I am running a 400w metal halide light in my 2x4x5 tent. (I found out that this is too much for a tent this size)

I am into like the 8th week of flowering and I am not sure how to tell when it will be done.

I am assuming that this is a sativa so it should take longer to flower.

I keep having fan leaves turn yellow
Ph is 5.7 and temp 72-60 f.

Can or should I get rid of all of the yellow leaves?
How do I know when the colas are finished?
Does anyone recognize this strain?
Can I remove a small cola and test it now?

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big bud 56

Active Member
Why are you using an mh bulb instead of the correct bulb which would be an hps bulb?
Secondly,those do not even look close to finishing.
If you would have used the right bulb then they would most likely be close to finishing.
We all learn from our mistakes.
Good luck.
you can use a MH all the way through, just won't get as good ah results versus using a HPS. the only sure way is to get a microscope and look at the trichs, if you don't want to spend the 5-10 bucks then when all the white hairs are 75-80% red. Some sativas can take 12 weeks and up. good luck
Need a better/clearer picture. But the buds dont seem full, especially for eight weeks and a sativa. The MH may have effected the outcome cause even with a 150 watt hps, my buds are alot fuller...

And it looks like a hybrid (indica dom) from the bud/fan leaves.:leaf: But dont take my word for it, im still a noob!


Well-Known Member
I agree the buds are far from being complete...
Forget about checking for trics until, all hairs have browned [no new white ones], hairs start to recede into bud... and Calyxes start to really swell like it's going to pop out a big-big seed...
Then check for Trics...
5% +/- 10% clear...= No/Low THC
80%+ milky = MAX THC
Amber [I call them tea colored] you want 5% or less...= degraded THC
Good Luck man...
The heat was.high until I put an exhaust fan and bc its winter its low 60-70f (the temp has dropped.because the tent is in the attict

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Well-Known Member
Should I remove all yellow leaves?
Until they are dead, the plant can still use them.
When the plant can no longer use them, they will fall off.
With the time you have left until it's ready, I would substitute whatever nutes you are feeding for bloom with 1 dosage of your veg nutes for some N.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks. I will let them stay and alternate nuntrients with the veg and bloom.
Is the V & B ALL you're using?
I've tried the V & B, and it works OK for vegging, but I just as soon use MG all purpose, but I haven't tried running the V & B for flowering yet because of the high N.


Well-Known Member
This what was recommended by a vendor
For flowering
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Oh, OK.
That's new?
When you said you'd go back to it, did you mean you have the older stuff too?
The one that is 16-10-30.
If you've got that one, I would try substituting one dose of that in place of what you're using now.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter, whatever the name, I would just give one dose of veg nutes next time you plan to feed instead of giving your bloom nutes like you normally would.
Yea, dude is right. DONT remove leaves unless the fall off with a TAP from youre finger. Removing them prematurely will slow growth. Ive seen it happen to a friend; which made me say forget that lol