Newbie with a few problems...


Hey everyone, I need some help with my baby.
It's: soil grow, It's only been given nutes twice and only 1/4 strength so I don't think nute burn is a problem, and the plant is about 30 days old. I'll start with things I KNOW I did wrong: My light cycles weren't constant, unfortunately my lights haven't been on constant schedule and it just randomly recieves dark periods... I guess that's all i know i did wrong. lol
1. I might have overwatered. Not sure but my plant has taken a while to wick the water.
2. I suspect I have a root mold problem, my roots were exposed at the bottom of the pot and they got fuzzy, I know it's bad but I clipped them in hopes that the fuzz wouldn't spread. I suspect it's returned. can someone give advice on how to treat this?
3. My light socket doesn't work well cause it's cheap and I suspect that I accidentally gave it 12+ hours of darkness because my tops grew a ton overnight. So I may have accidentally triggered flowering.
4. The tips of all my leaves are yellowing and turning black. so far it's just the tips.

SOOOOO, my main questions are, can I just re-veg without damaging my plant? will this stress my plant alot and extend the veg time? Is the root mold causing my leaves to die? or is it due to overwatering?

I can post pics if you guys want me to. I'm just too lazy to find my USB cable right now. lol :leaf:
Thanks in advance for the help! This is my first grow and I want to figure this out because I'm planning on germing a few more seeds within the next week.


and I also burnt the lower leaves with my lights when the plant was still small. forgot to mention that. it's only under 2 cfls


balls? like going hermie? I've been really worried about that because this plant has been stressed a TON. maybe i'll just flower it from now on out. I'll post pics within the hour. I gotta dig out my cable real quick. ha


Active Member
dude. just... why? if your too lazy to find a cable its clear your too lazy to have a good garden


Well-Known Member
It just depends. If a plant is in flower and it goes back to veg right in the middle of it, it can cause a hormonal response that it missed it's chance to pollinate and it might hermie.


Active Member
not trying to be a dick, just need to let you know they need a light schedule, they need a wet/ dry schedule they need a feeding schedule. if you dont discipline youself to give this to them you can bet you will get out what you put in. i wouldnt worry too much about triggering flowering. mine have been on 12/12 for two weeks and have not started to preflower yet. just get it together and youll have less to worry aboutr goodluck


hoenhiem, I know what you mean and I take no offense because I know this baby has been neglected. haha. I've had a pretty busy schedule the last month so it's been hard to keep on top of things. This plant is kind of my warm up plant that will kinda show me how my mistakes effect the plant. I've learned quite a bit already. for my next plants I will establish a fixed schedule for everything. Thanks for the input tho! I'm always glad to have people drop knowledge on me :)