Newer upload system?


Active Member
sometimes when go to upload pictures i get a nice file browser where i can select multiple pictures at once and upload them all at once. the other 99% of the time i get a simple 4 browse spots. wtf. is there a way to always use the other uploader? has to be something stupid.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i haven't been able to use the uploader here for over a year. for a while i was able to click "basic uploader" and upload that way but now it doesn't work. when i use the regular uploader the button that says "upload" never appears. i add the file and then there's nothing to click to make it happen. i'm going to see if i can get a screen shot up because i'm sick of people thinking i'm an idiot when i explain what the problem is.

notice i have added the file but there is no button for me to click ro actually upload. wtf? as you can see by the background i USED TO be able to upload pics and i did it frequently. now i have to use photobucket and i really hate that shit.


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't have that problem, but I use Firefox. Are you using IE9? Apparently the new version of that browser is the culprit.


Total Head

Well-Known Member
Well, I don't have that problem, but I use Firefox. Are you using IE9? Apparently the new version of that browser is the culprit.

i am using ie9 but i up until last week i was using ie8 and having the same issue. it used to work with ie8 but stopped working around the time of the big 420 update in '10. it used to be a non issue because i could use the basic uploader but now that doesn't work either. i'm going to try chrome and see what happens. i'll post the results.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
ok everything works fine with google chrome. son of a bitch. i like this browser fine but damn. way to suck, ie.
this is my cat.

