Nft questions


Active Member
Hey everyone, :weed:
This is my first real help question that I have asked, I usually am capable of finding post on here that help me but this time I'm lost. I recently purchased a General Hydroponics NFT system 20site.. I understand that the systems are easy to make but I also like to support my local Hydro Shop considering they dont get much business by me. My question is im getting rid of the 20site and looking to purchase a 60. Im wondering if the plant spacing on the system is enough to have a very sucessful harvest. My 20site is good but Im wondering if I got 60 plants all cramped in, am I going to have some problems..- Basically is the General HYdroponic system that comes assembled perfect or should I build one where the plants have more room. Im just worried about them getting to cramped. If any one is familar with the system any help would be appreciated.. By the way money isnt an issue for me so I dont mind spending it by my local shop.. THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!