NFT205 and 400W hps what can i get from them?


Well-Known Member
I have a nft and 400w and thinking of planting 4 lsd plants, what is the most i could have planted in it and is the 400w enough?


Well-Known Member
Oh boy this site is a pile of.... well you know... not gonna go running folk down but would like a bit of advice once in a while.


Well-Known Member
Bro the reason no one has answered your question is because it is not complete so they are not able to give you a true and acurate answer!!how big is your grow room ? what type of medium are you using ? what nutes? Etc Etc. we need to know this before you can really say....Peace


Well-Known Member
yea man, honestly its a bit impossible to answer your question with the info youv provided. get more detailed, and the answers will be more detailed lol


Well-Known Member
like how big is ur NFT system?length,width,depth.. grow room size, reflector type... theres ton of factors that play into seting up your grow space


Active Member
4 plants is too much for one of those tanks imo. I use same set up an two is max for both space and amount of water stored. Just put two in an Lst them