NH Resident...Want to be a caregiver but NH doesn't have MMJ laws


New Member
So my option might be to provide legal marijuana to persons outside of NH, in states that permit use?

These laws are designed to allow for MMJ to patients so that they can afford treatment for their condition, not to breach inter-state commerce laws. Everything the marijuana community does for patients is done through acts of understanding and compassion.

Do you think it'd be possible for me to provide legal NH cannabis to qualified patients in other states? NH has no MMJ compassion laws to protect patients' rights and there are MANY patients in states surrounding me that don't have access to medicine because the states haven't established regulations to allow the flow of MMJ from grower to patient.

I'm going to remain optomistic about this until I get a clear cut answer from people who understand the laws, our rights and how this could be negotiated in a court room setting


Well-Known Member
You have me so confused. NH doesnt allow medicinal cannabis use or cultivation. So you want to grow medical cannabis illegally, and then cross state lines to provide it illegally there also. Thats 3 laws you will be breaking, and other than moving to Maine or Vermont the only thing that might help you in NH is the new jury nullification law just recently passed by the governor. Hope this helps..... Also, their are caregivers in the surrounding states to grow and provide cannabis for mmj patients......


Well-Known Member
good luck with that mannn. im in MA.. a MMJ bill should get passed by the end of this year.. and everything should be up and running by Jan 2013 from what i hear... cant wait!! XD


Well-Known Member
ya, thats good! its on the november ballot, so i would be surprized if it was implemented that quick. i dont know the specifics though.