Night smoking


every night i wait for my parents to fall asleep...i take a few bong ripsbongsmilie...smoke a few some tv and sleep like a baby haha.

anyone else smoke before crashing?

Red Robin

New Member
I get high all the time. But I like smoking at night and relaxing. I havent had the issue of waiting till my parents to fall asleep in 4 years!


Well-Known Member
fuck yeah bro, i definately smoke before sleeping, and playing black ops, and watching tv. But sorry i dont wait for my parents to fall sleep no more, i just wait for my kids to play elsewhere in order to smoke now lol......... i do miss those days where i had to wait for my parents.


Active Member
I smoke a joint every night before bed. Though after toking it takes me about an hour to actually make it into the bed, but then you sleep like a baby...

Red Robin

New Member
fuck yeah bro, i definately smoke before sleeping, and playing black ops, and watching tv. But sorry i dont wait for my parents to fall sleep no more, i just wait for my kids to play elsewhere in order to smoke now lol......... i do miss those days where i had to wait for my parents.
Black Ops is beastly, im already 2nd prestige!

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
When I work nights, I get home around 9:15. The Spouse will have a nice glass of ice water and a nice, freshly packed glass bowl sitting there waiting for me. It takes the edge off so I can go to bed. I have a Super Spouse. 8-)


When I work nights, I get home around 9:15. The Spouse will have a nice glass of ice water and a nice, freshly packed glass bowl sitting there waiting for me. It takes the edge off so I can go to bed. I have a Super Spouse. 8-)
dude having a girlfriend or wife that smokes as much as you do is amazing haha.


Well-Known Member
I bust out my hookah pick a flavor of shisha and smoke with my fiance in our bed while watching tv, then munch on some snacks, sex then ZzzZZz
Best night ever :)