Night time seedling temp...


Well-Known Member
Just starting to germinate and trying to think ahead for my temps throughout.
When in the seedling stage, how low can temps dip before slowing overall growth?
Using a space heater in timed intervals to dial in the tent to 75+ during lights on. If I turn the heater off during lights out temps likely will dip down to 66-68°, is that too low during lights off only?
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Just starting to germinate and trying to think ahead for my temps throughout.
When in the seedling stage, how low can temps dip before slowing overall growth?
Using a space heater in timed intervals to dial in the tent to 75+ during lights on. If I turn the heater off during lights out temps likely will dip down to 66-68°, is that too low during lights off only?
Thanks in advance
If you have temp issues just leave the lights on.


Well-Known Member
Or run the lights during the colder night time hours and lights off during the day.

But if your nights are 66-68, that is fine. 60-62 would be the lowest you want them to get.
Currently my light schedule is set for 5pm (on) 11am (off), so lights are going during coldest times. I’ll monitor how low it dips during lights off and if anything run the heater on a shorter interval


Well-Known Member
To be maximally successful when germinating, keep the seeds warm 24/7, 78-82 range is perfect. One good way to do that is to keep some t5s on 24/7 over your pots, just a few inches away-use a thermometer and adjust the height. My last set of seeds germinated in 20 hours at 82 degrees. Here is a good guide Plant direct to media and don't let them dry out-you can use a sprayer a few times per day on the surface to keep them moist until they pop. Don't cover. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Personally I've never monitored temps during germination. Mine stay in a dark cool place until placed in soil. Then as long as your pots are lifted off the floor you shouldnt have an issue. If they were outdoors as a natural weed they'd probably sprout in spring with lows below 65.

Try turning your inline fan down while lights are off should help keep temps up while lights out