Nirvana AK48 - Can I revert a clone back into veg?
I took 2 clones from above plant, probably no more than 2 weeks into flower, and once rooted i put them straight into flower.

because i took them in flower, most of the veg growth was over, so they didnt grow as big as i was expecting.. learn from my mistakes i know if only i took them that little bit earlier..

anyway, if i were to put these back into 24hour light, how much risk is there of turning it into a hermy? what can i do to avoid it?

they are quite far into flowering now so i'm not sure if it's too late or what? pics attached (they're in 6 inch wide pots btw)



Well-Known Member
I don't think putting those back into veg would even help increase yield, they're so far grown into flower o_O... And i do think they'll turn hermie, not 100% sure tho.

Nice little mini plants tho :D