Nirvana Extortion?

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New Member
I had heard nothing but good things about Nirvana shop until i ordered from them myself, I never recieved anything after 6 weeks , paypal refunded my money, now I got an email from NIRVANA threatning to call my local authorities and give them my personal informaion if i dont transfer money from my account to theirs. All this over 5 feminized seeds that never arrived. Has anyone else been threatend or extorted like this?
From cool to snitches over 36 bucks? the following is the email i took out account numbers as to avoid liability for whatever i dont even know!!!

"Why did you chargeback this transaction?
You placed the order and we did send you the goods!

NOW we have to inform your Local Authorities about this fraud chargeback !
We will give all your personal & order details to the creditcard fraud department at your country! BE AWARE.

We wil give you 14 days to correct.
Unless you will pay the amount of this order by banktransfer to:

Bankname: ING
Accountnumber: *******
IBAN: NL43 INGB **********
Please don't forget to include your Nirvana ORDER number!

Your order has been updated to the following status.

New status: Chargeback

This is an automated message, please do NOT REPLY to this e-mail.
You should open a support ticket at if you have any questions."


Well-Known Member
SOunds like your seeds got confiscated at the border. You never got them, but they sent them right? Did you read their terms and conditions? You owe them money my friend....
Buy seeds from your country next time.
And the authorities already know about you I imagine.... Lay low for a bit before you grow again...


New Member
SOunds like your seeds got confiscated at the border. You never got them, but they sent them right? Did you read their terms and conditions? You owe them money my friend....
Buy seeds from your country next time.
And the authorities already know about you I imagine.... Lay low for a bit before you grow again...
the money isnt the question or the issue, first off, If i cant trust them with a paypal account and po box how could i trust a bank transfer? also, not like im actually the one growing them, and also these seeds were to be for a first time project, my issue is the COLLECTION method, they are supposed to be about decriminalizing and NORMALIZING but yet they use police as a collection agency? Also would you pay the extortion and if you do pay when does it stop?


Well-Known Member
They use it as a tactic to get their money. They sent your seeds, they got taken away, your agreement covers them. You took your money bakc, and they are out seeds.... Plain and simple. I am not trying to be a jerk, but their policy is clearly laid out. They need ways to protect their investment. Their business is legal where they are, but not where you are....
They do fight for legalization, in their country. They would love it to be legal everywhere for sure, then they wouldn't have to mail in hidden boxes and such....
You are not paying extortion, you are paying for seeds they more than likely sent, but you got them confiscated at the border. They state clearly that they are not responsible for that. You bought the seeds from Europe, they sent them, they got taken away, but you are still responsible for the payment....

reservoir dog

Active Member
the money isnt the question or the issue, first off, If i cant trust them with a paypal account and po box how could i trust a bank transfer? also, not like im actually the one growing them, and also these seeds were to be for a first time project, my issue is the COLLECTION method, they are supposed to be about decriminalizing and NORMALIZING but yet they use police as a collection agency? Also would you pay the extortion and if you do pay when does it stop?
What are you talking about?! You can trust them, they SENT YOUR ORDER but like the other guy said it probably got seized by customs..... Unlucky :wall:

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
i ordered from them twice and had nothing but good luck with them. They send you emails to track the progress of your order. Once it has left thier facility and is on its way, you own it. It's part of the risk of it. Own up. They are a good supplier. Sorry.:leaf:


New Member
i understand and as i said paying the money isnt the problem, its how do i go about it? I am not giving bank information to someone who already threatend to give information out, all of this could have been avoided if they used some sort of tracking information. paypal refunds money on items not recieved if seller doesnt provide shipping information, thats their policy. I guess i will try to contact them when their site is up and running and see if they will allow me to send money order or cashiers check. I am not trying to hurt their business i actually ENJOY what they do!!!


Well-Known Member
I kind of agree with you guys, but threatening to narc??? What the fuck is that? Threaten to call the cops on a customer. If they don't want folks to get their money back then they shouldn't use paypal and shouldn't have to resort to extortion, that's no way to run a business by having your customers arrested.
Would they really carry thru with it though?
Nirvana's seeds are alright with a few strains being pretty good but you could get so much better genetics for a similar price. I have successfully ordered through Dr. Chronic, Seedboutique, Seedbay, Sannie seeds and grow shop alien if you feel like giving it another go.


Well-Known Member
got my seeds no problem but either i shocked the plant into herm or the seed was bad and the other 2 seeds were male again possibly not their fault . but im looking for some one new that ships usa


Well-Known Member
I had heard nothing but good things about Nirvana shop until i ordered from them myself, I never recieved anything after 6 weeks , paypal refunded my money, now I got an email from NIRVANA threatning to call my local authorities and give them my personal informaion if i dont transfer money from my account to theirs. All this over 5 feminized seeds that never arrived. Has anyone else been threatend or extorted like this?
From cool to snitches over 36 bucks?

he clearly says he received nothing.


New Member
ya, im going to work it out to pay them the money, I believe they shipped, I got allthe confirmation emails and I have read nothing but good reviews, must have gotten picked off, My whole train of thought is, couldnt they have atleast sent an email reminding me of the policy as opposed to the threatning email they did send?


New Member
my deal was for 5 seeds and a germination kit which is BS but the kit was to ship seperate, nothing showed, at anyrate i guess buyer beware, and i plan on paying for what i ordered the karma will be on them and SNITCHES SUCK


Well-Known Member
my deal was for 5 seeds and a germination kit which is BS but the kit was to ship seperate, nothing showed, at anyrate i guess buyer beware, and i plan on paying for what i ordered the karma will be on them and SNITCHES SUCK

a "germination kit"? sounds like a paper towel and a ziplock baggie.

i think they saw a sucker and took full advantage.


New Member
BOTTOM LINE IS, i live in one of the biggest cities in US, my local authorities would probably hangup on them IF they did call about 5 seeds I never got!! I dont want to be an a$$hole, its just if my information is their ammunition, why would i give them more?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a bullshit story to me; "wontime" is slang for police anyway.


Go find real criminals.
wait a minute. this is the second time in the past week or so that i have heard of nirvana threatening to turn people in to the cops if they don't pay them. and them you call the OP a cop? i'm confused. is that just an easy way to pretend nirvana isn't doing this. or do you just feel it's ok?
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