Nirvana - Need seeds? READ THIS.


Well-Known Member
Hey.. people. Listen... your wasting your time with all these other seed banks. They're not safe at all..

For one, alot of them do not ship to the United States.

and two, most of these seed banks.. are just a rip-off to begin with.

However, if you really want to get some good seeds... and have friendly people to work with; have your purchases get to you safely and in a timely manner... I'm telling you people... for all that.. there is only one seed bank.. that I will use.

Nirvana Seed bank is legit. No bullshit when I tell you guys.. that they sent me a free Nirvana wallet.. and in the wallet they put a little baggy.. with seeds in it. No idea what strains.. but I'm sure they're good strains. Yeah, seriously. I got it free from Nirvana. That is why they are the only seed bank I will do business with.

They sent me the free wallet and free seeds to me.. because I sent them an email.. just asking if they could prove that they were legit.. and not out to rip off anyone.. and 2 weeks later I get the package. I was really surprised to get
the package.. but it just goes to prove that Nirvana Seed bank is legit.

So, again.. if you want to be satisfied with your orders.. and want them in a timely manner... I would strongly suggest using Nirvana Seed Bank.

They're the only one I will use.. period.

Hope this helped! Peace. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Send me some of those seeds and I'll believe you too!!!

Well, hey it was hard for me to believe as well. You know? I had no idea they were sending me anything.. especially free stuff you know?

All i did, was simply ask them if they could maybe send me a few seeds... for free. Just to prove that they are a legit seed bank... and not out here to rip people off or bust people you know.

Send you some seeds??? LMAO. no. :)

I only got a bag of ten. And I'm keeping every single last one of them. Sorry!



Well-Known Member
so you got seeds for completely free? no shipping or nothing? is this the e-mail you used ?

Yeah for real dude.. I got a wallet.. that says in like almost a lime green stitching.. it says Nirvana on one side of the wallet.. the wallet itself says its made from 100% HEMP CLOTH EXTERIOR 100% COTTON LINING.

But see, at first? I just thought they had sent me a wallet. I was like hmm well this is pretty cool of them to send me this for free you know? I mean.. dude I never get free shit. Never. Well, I started checking the wallet out.. and inside one of the little pouches.. was a little baggy.. with a marijuana leaf printed on one side.. and inside.. were 10 seeds. and... someone wrote on the baggy. They simply wrote 'FREE' on the bag of seeds.

Now as to which email I used? I wanna say yeah, thats the one I used. Not 100% sure though.

I'm telling ya guys man.. I didn't expect them to send me anything. Let alone a wallet.. and a 10pack of seeds hidden inside the wallet.

All I know is.. they paid the $.95cents for postal.. to ship it to me. So, if they're nice enough to do this for me.. Just to prove that they are a legit seed bank..
Well, let's just say I will always use Nirvana for all my orders.

And.. anytime someone asks me if i know of a good seed bank.. that ships to the USA.. and is trustworthy.. I'm going to send them on over to Nirvana.



Well-Known Member
Yeah for real dude.. I got a wallet.. that says in like almost a lime green stitching.. it says Nirvana on one side of the wallet.. the wallet itself says its made from 100% HEMP CLOTH EXTERIOR 100% COTTON LINING.

But see, at first? I just thought they had sent me a wallet. I was like hmm well this is pretty cool of them to send me this for free you know? I mean.. dude I never get free shit. Never. Well, I started checking the wallet out.. and inside one of the little pouches.. was a little baggy.. with a marijuana leaf printed on one side.. and inside.. were 10 seeds. and... someone wrote on the baggy. They simply wrote 'FREE' on the bag of seeds.

Now as to which email I used? I wanna say yeah, thats the one I used. Not 100% sure though.

I'm telling ya guys man.. I didn't expect them to send me anything. Let alone a wallet.. and a 10pack of seeds hidden inside the wallet.

All I know is.. they paid the $.95cents for postal.. to ship it to me. So, if they're nice enough to do this for me.. Just to prove that they are a legit seed bank..
Well, let's just say I will always use Nirvana for all my orders.

And.. anytime someone asks me if i know of a good seed bank.. that ships to the USA.. and is trustworthy.. I'm going to send them on over to Nirvana.

Dude thats awsome. I already sent them a email. I tried to order fro them about a week ago and my cc didnt go through. I actually tried multiple times. Heres the email I sent them..
Hi, I have attempted a number of orders with no success. Everytime I attempt to use my CC the page freezes on me for some reason. I am kind of scared to send cash for a purchase as I have never used your site before. I have used other site that have took my cash and I never recieved my product. If possible, could you send me a freebie or two just so I know you guys are for real. I plan to make many purchases in the near future but want to know that I can rely on you guys, if you do you have a new customer for life.
Thank you very much,

Hopefully it will work. Thanks dude!:blsmoke:


What did you ask? Did they reply to you or did you add your address in your email you sent? Just curious as to how they got your address to send you the seeds.


Active Member
Oh...Well...If it's the only place YOU would order from,Thay's good enough for me.Who the hell are you?I like the Tude.You work for Nirvana or something?


Well-Known Member
^^^ agree^^ the 1st time i went with them i got a stupid ass " IPOD SOCK & PUZZLE" but no BEANS! this time i'll get a wallet huh?...NO THANKS NEVER AGAIN..MEANGREEN.


Active Member
Nirvana is legit and quick. I'm holding my opinion on their genetics until my crop of Blue Mystic is done. Prices were good, but it looks like out of 5 fem seeds I'm gonna get one keeper.


Well-Known Member
Oh...Well...If it's the only place YOU would order from,Thay's good enough for me.Who the hell are you?I like the Tude.You work for Nirvana or something?

No. And.. it seems almost like you got an attitude or something.

Don't worry about who I am... who the hell are you!? :finger:

Just chill out dude.. go smoke one or something.. jeez.

All im saying.. (i guess i should have kept my mouth shut..) is that I have never ordered seeds over the internet... and I was just really surprised that I recieved the free shit from Nirvana.. that's all Im saying. And... as far as I knew?! Nirvana was the only seedbank that I had heard of.. that would ship to the USA.

Excuse the fuck outa me dude. Don't be getting your panties all in a wad.

As far as other seed banks go.. like I said.. all I had heard.. was that this was the only one that would ship to the united states. Plus!!! Everyone I had talked to about seed banks.. said that Nirvana was also the only one that they had come across that wasn't a total rip-off.

So... yeah. Take a chill pill dude...



Well-Known Member
I have seen first hand that with Nirvana if you send cash to be discreet they lie and say they never got it. They even went so far as to say they had never not received a peice of mail. Now you be the judge!! Hell I think we all have missed at least one piece of mail in our lives. Is the mail man perfect in Nirvana land. It is proof that they steel you cash if you send it and in my book that makes them total shit... Attitude sent two orders with discount on second with no issues at all so do as you please but I have not reason to bother with a lie. And fuck the assholes on here that keep deleting my threads. They are faggots that won't allow free speech when it comes to saying anything bad about ABfuct.... And his miracle 3 week clones that finish after 9 weeks of 12/12 and gets a lb every 2 weeks. I think he might have changed his lies on that thread but that was how it read when I said anything and sticky or the heads that run this bs site deleted my thread... So freedom is not what they care about only their petty little friends. Sticky is sticky because he and fuct don't use condoms on each other.....:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

That sucks dude... but ehh
thats why i will never EVER send straight paper money to someone/anyone that I don't know. Especially overseas bro...
Sorry about your bad luck dude.

Use a prepaid CC card.. or use some other method of paying.. so that way you can stop payment bro.


Well-Known Member
Nirvana is cool as fuck. they sent me free seeds also just by asking them bout it. dont know what they are but imma grow em n e ways. they also replaced the 5 fem seeds i bought that dint germ. so i will def stick with them. my last order came with that Nirvana wallet too.


bud bootlegger
dude i am glad that you got hooked up from nirvana.. but i really dislike that you come on to a website and blab how they managed to get your seeds to you.. very uncool in my eyes.. im not trying to slam you or anything, just that if i were to get some freebies from a co who is into some illegal activities and , thwanted to continue to have a good relationship with that company, the last thing i would be doing is posting in a marijuana grow forum like roll it up and telling the world how i got my beans shipped to me.. if enough people do this then they will no longer be willing or able to ship beans in this method as every manny moe and jack who works for the dea and who can read will now know their shipping methods, and will be on the look out for wallets sent in the mail..
it is cool to be excited and all, i just would have said that i sent them an email and recieved some free beans from them.. y not just tell us the address that they shipped them to as well?
and i would also never use nirvana seeds.. have mostly heard bad things about their genetics... the attitude is where i order from and get great service from them.. i order their stealth shipping method and no, i will not tell you how they do it as i would like to continue to recieve my orders from them..


bud bootlegger
and i just read your last post.. they just sent you five free beans cuz the last five didn't germ? yeah, that sounds like the place that i want to order from.. if i recieved five seeds and non of them germed i would be pissed and certainly wouldn't be going back to the same breeder for another five..