I used the format at the start of the sticky. If this has been updated, don't hesitate to mention that
Strain: Nirvana Pure Power Plant, regular seeds - not feminized
Growth: grown as an LST under 78w of cfls - micro grow with MG Organic Garden soil with perlite, bone meal, and dolomite
2 gallon pot - link to grow log -> https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/316379-nirvana-ppp-78w-cfl.html
harvested at 9 1/2 weeks of flower
Nutes: a molasses/bone meal tea - used MG organic bone meal(6-9-0) - 1 tsp molasses per gallon of tea
Yield: 25g dry - slight disappointment yield wise, this strain has a good rep for high yields
plant was very indica, so squat that LSTing was maybe not the best way to go
Bag Appeal: 7 - good appeal, but not amazing, very trich covered, heavy resin
Smell: 8 - this is where it got interesting - incredibly low odor during flower - super stealth
and the bud smell is different - mint like aromatic smell, maybe a little skunk
never smelled any weed close to it, very unique
Taste: 7 - not bad, can't really put a label on it, very smooth(vaporizer only) - didn't taste like mint
The High: 8 - again. this strain was quite different from other experiences - very strong, no question of that
this strain has a rep for being sativa in effect, i couldn't describe this pheno in that way
it's not couch lock provided your engaged in something, but you can zone out pretty easy if you smoke too much
the real striking effect was its anti-anxiety effect, and i mean anti-anxiety, not sedative
but if you smoke a lot, you're not going to focus on much of anything
was harvested with just a trace of amber trics, heavily ambered i'd think it would be a sledge hammer
Comments: i've never had weed like this, it's really different, really seems to be a blend of indica and sativa effects
smoking a lot might not be a good idea, of course some have higher tolerance
but the real stand out effect was the non-raciness, a lot of MJ will give me a bit of an anxious feeling at the start
PPP just doesn't seem to have that, some head rush but more subtle, it does build so i would call it a creeper
Strain: Nirvana Pure Power Plant, regular seeds - not feminized
Growth: grown as an LST under 78w of cfls - micro grow with MG Organic Garden soil with perlite, bone meal, and dolomite
2 gallon pot - link to grow log -> https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/316379-nirvana-ppp-78w-cfl.html
harvested at 9 1/2 weeks of flower
Nutes: a molasses/bone meal tea - used MG organic bone meal(6-9-0) - 1 tsp molasses per gallon of tea
Yield: 25g dry - slight disappointment yield wise, this strain has a good rep for high yields
plant was very indica, so squat that LSTing was maybe not the best way to go
Bag Appeal: 7 - good appeal, but not amazing, very trich covered, heavy resin
Smell: 8 - this is where it got interesting - incredibly low odor during flower - super stealth
and the bud smell is different - mint like aromatic smell, maybe a little skunk
never smelled any weed close to it, very unique
Taste: 7 - not bad, can't really put a label on it, very smooth(vaporizer only) - didn't taste like mint
The High: 8 - again. this strain was quite different from other experiences - very strong, no question of that
this strain has a rep for being sativa in effect, i couldn't describe this pheno in that way
it's not couch lock provided your engaged in something, but you can zone out pretty easy if you smoke too much
the real striking effect was its anti-anxiety effect, and i mean anti-anxiety, not sedative
but if you smoke a lot, you're not going to focus on much of anything
was harvested with just a trace of amber trics, heavily ambered i'd think it would be a sledge hammer
Comments: i've never had weed like this, it's really different, really seems to be a blend of indica and sativa effects
smoking a lot might not be a good idea, of course some have higher tolerance
but the real stand out effect was the non-raciness, a lot of MJ will give me a bit of an anxious feeling at the start
PPP just doesn't seem to have that, some head rush but more subtle, it does build so i would call it a creeper