Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics


Thats my first grow, so all help is welcome.
Im using a DWC system and CFL.
I germinated 3 seeds, 2 x AK48 and a Fruity auto, all was going great, until the roots reached the nutrient solution (mix of bad "generic" multi purpouse nutrients).
As they reached the solution roots became red (color of the "generic" thing). Fruity and one Ak48 died...
So I went to a hydroponic shop and bought some REAL hydroponic nutrients. Back home I give last standing AK some fresh water to clean the roots. It stops growing for some days, but now it is growing very well.

Ak48 september 15 (10 days from seed)
that was close, gogogo Ak!!!

I have a lot of seeds from a bad smoke(probably sativa), so I decided to germinate some for test purposes.
"test" september 17 (2 days from seed)

As the days passed Ak48 proved to be a strong plant

Ak48 september 19 (14 days from seed)
look at the 4 days old "unknow strain". Ak48 had a damn bad start...

Ak48 september 21, 23, 25 (20 days from seed at 09-25)
Now it is growing!!!

"test" september 21, 23, 25 (10 days from seed at 09-25)
tied em down, one of them was topped, too many, too big. last pic is roots at september 23(8 days from seed) OMFG!!!

Ak48 september 27 (22 days from seed)
So beautiful!!!!!

"test" september 27 (12 days from seed)
I have decided to cut all the big leaves and some roots, they was too big.

Ak48 september 28 (23 days from seed)
How does it look? im planning to take a clone from this Ak48 in 4 or 5 days, what do you guys think?

"test" september 28 (13 days from seed)
"test" plants are doing fine, strong stem, lot of roots.

Im very happy with my grow, hope you like it.:leaf:
Realy love that Ak48:leaf:

Comments pls...


More info:

DWC container: 24liter
growing medium: coco fiber / expanded clay
Light: 2 x CFL total: 146W - 24h ON
air pump is ON 24h/day
PH is arround 5.6

some pics
Ak48 september 29 (24 days from seed)
Beautiful, roots look good, nice side branches.

How often do I have to replace the nutrient solution?
I will change it once a month, is that ok?
I did some search and find a lot of diferent answers...



hey mega, to answer some of your questions

I think that once a month might be too long to wait. maybe once every 2 weeks is better and try n keep track of the water level (looks like your doing fine so far)
Keep the pH between 5.5 and 5.8 the whole time....since your in DWC you really have to keep on top of this. pH and temperature drift will fuck you up big time if your not diligent.
Also, look into getting a small submersible pump to put in the rez (and keep it on a timer so it dosent heat the nutes up too much) It will keep every thing well mixed and circulating in the rez (much better than just the airstone).

Also, you might wanna get a new lid bro. Styrofoam can leech some nasty shit into your girls' food not mention how quick it gets dirty and it's damn near impossible to clean.


Thanks for the info.

Replacing nutrient solution today.
Styrofoam looks bad already, I have the original reservatory lid, just didn´t wanted to drill holes on it, gonna work on that as soon as possible.
Timer is ready to go, submersible pump is now on the buying list.

Thanks for the help.
Please, keep an eye at this thread, if Im doing somenthing wrong let me know.


New nutrient solution, new lid, new family members!!!
Everything was cleaned, reservatory wasnt bad, but air tubes and the styrofoam lid was pretty dirty. Thanks for the tip foodcooker!!!
Nutrient PH: 5.8

3 mins out of the water and the Ak was clearly affected.

2 hours later it was back up.

So, as things where going great, I started another Nirvana´s Ak48 and a Dinafem Fruity autoflower they are now 3 days old, AK48(left) was born first.

The new plastic lid is easy to clean and better looking.
Here is a picture of the family, from left to right: "test", Ak48 and Ak48/Fruity

Comments and questions are welcome



Everything looks fine, AK48 had a nice size, so i took a clone from it.

It has 4 side branches, that probably will turn into 4 main sterns:weed:

"looks like they are doin alright.

Have you considered doing a scrog when they go into flower?"

Probably im going to try FIM + Scrog.

The clone is now in a cup w/ nutrients, no rooting gel, just high P nutrient solution (hope it works).


Was really enjoying the thread till the last post! Wish I could help! Don't worry bro she'll be ok. Peace

Not A Game

Well-Known Member
Nirvana AK48 is still probably my favorite to this day. Very clear high, won't put you to sleep, and no matter how high you get, you're still on the level.


New Member
You will probably yield around 4 grams. Worth it? I think not. I can't really tell how close the light you have is, but it most likely isn't close enough.


Ak(1) have balls, gonna use it to produce some seeds
15 "bud sites", Ak48 seems "topping friendly", too bad this one is a male:cuss:.

Ak(2) is a girl:lol:, white hairs was spotted today. 12/12 from seed 24 days

fruit autoflower showed sex 3 days ago

They are looking good, short, but strong.

now the bag seeds, they are in a plastic bottle with expanded clay on it, im feeding them with nutrient solution, no airstone or bubbles, just watching the water level. roots are growing deep in water and out of it, they need some air;-).
root pic is old, it is there just to show the phenolic foam and the recipient where it is growing, last pic is today´s.

