nitrogen deficiency?

Screenshot_2015-10-23-11-53-03.png Screenshot_2015-10-23-11-52-48.png Screenshot_2015-10-23-11-52-42.png Hey guys I've been growing 2 blue dream seeds feminized as my first grow. 4 cfl 5700k bulbs for vegging, using ffof soil with 25% perlite. I haven't added any nutes and water around every 3 days. I hadn't added nutes due to people saying ffof is hot but it looks like my plant is showing nitrogen deficiency. I was hoping someone can confirm that and help me as I'm new to growing and want my girls to get the proper treatment. Also I've noticed the new growth is kinda curly. Idk what that means.


Well-Known Member
Blue dream is a heavy feeder and nitrogen whore. Its a hardy plant and very hard to burn. What nutrients are u going to use? What is ur water ph

ffof has a tendancy to stay wet for a while as well which can cause a lockout (variety of problems) f it stays saturated.



Well-Known Member
More frequent waterings in less quantities always helped for me in ffof. Lots of water keeps that soil acidic in the 4.5 -5 range which can lockout most nutrients. With ffof ph ur water to 6.8 or so. It will look like a deficiency and u will throw all kinds of stuff at it adding insult to injury. I wont use it anymore because its so hard to gauge when ur gonna burn ur plants when they are small, even at 1/4 strength nutes. Id try some light feeds now, begin with 1/4 strength and work ur way up to 1/2. Watch for leaf tip burn. If ur using RO or distilled water dont forget to get a cal-mag supplement.

I run coco loco now its awesome.ill be going straight coco next grow but didnt have many problems with that soil.