Nitrogen & Potassium deficiency?


Half of my plant (2x LR#2) turned light green... Is this nitrogen deficiency?


What is more it has strange other leaves:


- HPS 100
- 6L canna terra pro
- bioflores every second watering (two waterings with bioflores until now), canna bioboost, cannazym. one small dose of pk13/14 10 days ago.
- runoff pH 6,5-6,6
- 4th week of flowering and 6th week from seed.

Please Help ;(

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Are you using soil that has nutes already in it? What is the NPK value of all that stuff you're using? It's probably not an issue, but have you checked the pH of the SOIL itself? Run-off is no good as an indicator. The leaf looks like it's a Phosphorus def. I'd recommend dumping all that other stuff and going with a good bloom boosting fert like Schultz African Violet food.


yes, canna terra is good soil with nutes, so I didn't give them any nutes on veg stage. bioflores NPK 2,5 2 5. I've checked soil pH now -> about 6.


Well-Known Member
i know there is a n def , but i also see something else ?

give her some N an see what happens from there.

im with jack , unless you know a lot about nutrition , then you cant just feed um all sorts of different npk ratios without knowing whats goin in there. get some regular food for your crop an use the other food for practice.


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
How did you check the pH of the soil? Are you certain of that reading? P starts getting locked out at about 6.5 or so, 6 isn't good. I personally don't think that I have ever seen a true case of pH lock out before, but there is a first for everything. An over abundance of other nutrients can lock out P, I'd look at that first. But like I said, try and flush out that crap that obviously isn't working well for you and go with something you KNOW is gonna work, like an established household plant fertilizer. It doesn't have to be specifically formulated for cannabis, that's just marketing hype. This is one instance where I'd recommend Schultz, Miracle Gro or something. Just be sure you only use it at half strength MAX. Start out with 1/4 strength. Greenlight makes a "Bloom Boost" that works well, and so does Ferti-Lome. Try to flush out the old stuff first.


thanks for replies. I was wrong about my pH... : 11745950.jpg It's hard to say what pH it really is... You are talking about nutes that are not available in my country... I used canna because I heard it is good professional brand ...

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
There HAS to be a good well established household all purpose fertilizer that the mainstream gardeners use wherever you are. I'd be all about finding one. Ideally, you'll want the P to be the highest number, choose a fert for "blooming" or fruiting. But if you can't, just an all purpose 10-10-10 will work. Feed ONLY at 1/2 the direction strength or less!!! I thought for sure that Scotts/Miracle Gro was an international company.

Do you have a good pH meter? There is a tutorial in my journals on testing the pH of the soil itself. You really do need to invest in a decent pH pen/meter.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Unless you are getting the pH of the soil itself, checking pH is pretty much pointless. You are giving us P & K values, what about the N? Are you living in a Yurt in Uzbekistan? Surely to God some little old ladies are growing flowers where you live. Find out what they use.


Well-Known Member
alright i looked at all the foods/additives your using an come up with more.... first i clicked the wrong button so i lost my whole page post i just wrote. im pissed :dunce:

...... a wet , dried on a light bulb cotton candy joint later ........ :bigjoint:

ok i cant find the "real" breakdown on any of the cannabio line. (not a good sign)

heres what i come up with....

you need to have the biovego with your lineup on future grows if your gonna stick with that food.

its all organic goodness , its a shame they dont tell you whats in it ?

how much of the bioflora was you usin ? how much does the bottle say ?

the boost is a boost for the soil , not the plant. just like molasses. its a very good thing to use though because you need your dirt as biological as possible. keep using it at full dose.

the cannazme or whatever the fuck its called is a enzyme product and is also good for the dirt .... keep using it but you dont need much.

the pk1314 is not really needed right this second and should not be mixed in the same bottle as the other foods.

after reading about your foods , you probably have a hungry plant , but N is needed the most.

post back with the numbers an info off the back of the bioflora bottle an we will get you straitened out.

more then likely your just gonna need to feed every watering for a week or so..... the organic foods are really hard to feed proper sometimes.

my own opinion says stay away from the ph right now , its just gonna confuse you more at this point. focus on the basic nutrition of a plant first.
you got very good soil so your dirt will keep your ph in check for you. there is no fast way to change it even if it is off. (its not)

soil :bigjoint:

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Great job there!!! + Rep for you!! I wouldn't use ANYTHING that they won't tell me what's in there! Sounds like he's feeding the soil and not the plants!!! OP, get a good general purpose fert, any kind at this point, and stick with that! This is why I hate those "grow in a bottle" nutes.


Thank you wyteboi for your post. This is my first cultivation. Plants only receive 2x canna bioflores (3ml/L. producer suggests 4ml/L) and small dose pk 13/14 tohether. I'm giving bioboost and cannazyme all the time.

I didn't give them anything on veg phase (first 2 weeks).
After 2 weeks they showed first preflowers, then I gave them bioflores, next watering only water with bioboost and cannazyme, next watering bioflores with small dose pk 13/14 together (sic!) and next watering only water with bioboost and cannazyme, and here we are.

So you may be right and they may be really hungry.... Plants have 3-4 weeks to harvest so I will be adding bioflores (NPK 2,5. 2. 5) with every watering for 2 weeks. Is that OK?? I'm watering every 4-5 days.

what with pk 13/14? I heard it's very good to add 3 weeks b4 harvest. Is organic food less effective and I should use it more often than chemical food?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Organic nutes are far more effective than chemical ferts when used in an organic grow. If you use chemicals, then stick with them, if you're organic, stay that way. Don't mix the 2.


OK, so pk 13/14 is not good then. Wyteboi says that I should use biovega on veg stage NPK (3,5. 1. 5,5.), but veg stage of my lowryders is only 2 weeks. I don't think that fertigation for two first weeks is a good thing, especially with good soil..... Am I right?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Don't obsess over the NPK values at this point. In a perfect world, the plants want more P for flowering, but a good general purpose fert will work just fine. Fine tuning your growing process can be done after you get the keeping them alive part down pat.


Well-Known Member
Thank you wyteboi for your post. This is my first cultivation. Plants only receive 2x canna bioflores (3ml/L. producer suggests 4ml/L) and small dose pk 13/14 tohether. I'm giving bioboost and cannazyme all the time.

I didn't give them anything on veg phase (first 2 weeks).
After 2 weeks they showed first preflowers, then I gave them bioflores, next watering only water with bioboost and cannazyme, next watering bioflores with small dose pk 13/14 together (sic!) and next watering only water with bioboost and cannazyme, and here we are.

So you may be right and they may be really hungry.... Plants have 3-4 weeks to harvest so I will be adding bioflores (NPK 2,5. 2. 5) with every watering for 2 weeks. Is that OK?? I'm watering every 4-5 days.

what with pk 13/14? I heard it's very good to add 3 weeks b4 harvest. Is organic food less effective and I should use it more often than chemical food?
the pk 1314 is fine to use , just dont mix it with the other foods/additives.
at this point i believe the plant is hungry all together but i know it needs more N to keep them leaves green for another few weeks.

the food needs to be balanced so if its not getting enough N then its not gonna use the extra PK.
yes i would feed her with 4mls every watering for at least 2 or 3 waterings. then give her a 1/4 dose of pk1314 , then back to flora every watering. also keep up with the boost an enzyme. no need to use the enzyme at full strength though.

for your average grower i would say yes , organic food is less effective. but for the good organic growers i would say the food is more effective. organic food has a major dependency on the biology of the dirt. if the aeration an the biology of the soil aint right then the plant cant eat. with synthetic foods , if the ph is right then the plant will eat the food soon as it comes in contact with the roots.

when you get the soil , and the diet dialed in on organics then it is very very cheap to run and maintenance is very low.

OK, so pk 13/14 is not good then. Wyteboi says that I should use biovega on veg stage NPK (3,5. 1. 5,5.), but veg stage of my lowryders is only 2 weeks. I don't think that fertigation for two first weeks is a good thing, especially with good soil..... Am I right?
yes , assuming the leaves are very green and "perky" , then you are right , the good soil you have is gonna feed them for a few weeks...maybe longer, it all depends on what your plant eats. dont pay much attention to the species or what the bottle says , you can only determine what your plant is gonna eat by "testing" and watching your plant.
i homemake my dirt and i dont have to feed anything for about 3 weeks of veg an 2-4 weeks of bloom. when i start different species then i will have to change my soil to their liking , not mine.

the reason i say you want to have the veg food layin around is for cases like this one where she needs more N then she does PK .... then soon as you get her the N she needs you can start pumpin her with more pk.

soil :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
oh an once you get the soil dialed in then a synthetic food every once in awhile is not gonna hurt the biology of the soil because the plant eats it before it can kill off any of the good bacteria/fungus. you can mix synthetics with organics but you dont wanna do it very often at all , i only use synthetics to quickly fix a def i might have.

soil (ex-wyteboi)


Well-Known Member
Looks more like nutrient burn rather than nutrient deficiency. The lower, older growth looks pretty healthy and green. Are the stems brittle and/or weak in the upper portion of the plant mainly affected? That would be a good indicator of a deficiency....


hi cowboylogic. Stems are nor brittle and weak at all, they are elastic, but affected leaves are easier to tear off. I've noticed now that affected leaves has red coloured stems. Is That helpfull info? It is getting worse :(