No brown Hairs after 60 days why?????


Well-Known Member
just go by the trichomes. the bud im smokin on now has no red hairs at all either. and its way way good shit.


Well-Known Member
yw u can cut any time u want no one it stoping u just let good sence and fear be your guide. fear of cutting at the wrong time that is


Well-Known Member
Oh ya I know, I have all ready tried a few smalller buds two weeks ago and one week ago to see they were at. I got a very nice H, not over whelming stuck to the couch. It was very smooth going down and didn't have a bad taste


Well-Known Member
have you searched them nice and thoroughly? it may just be the hps, but I think I see some ambering.


Well-Known Member
I just want to get the best that I can from them, more in yield vs. super h. I enjoy that simi energetic and not really lay my down to sleep.

Thxs butter


Well-Known Member
Hey Loop,
You were right I took them out and put them in some daylight so I could take a better look at them. I found that I have around 50-65% brown hairs. Most to all of the top hairs are white in color and the hps lights were playing tricks on my.

Thxs for the input-


Well-Known Member
first batch I had flowered for 12 - 14 weeks. one plant was re vegged for 4 weeks and just cut down after 9 weeks second flowering very mellow