No idea of whats wrong...


My plants are in the 8th week since germination. (the hit the 7weeks marks on the 12th of january)
And I they had too much nutrients a week ago... since them I gave them only whater.. but the problems seem not to disapear, some leaves have dark areas, and some dark dots, you can see some curled leaves too...

Btw its an easy bud from Royal Queen Seeds and a Bluematic also from Royal Queen Seeds, both automatic.

Can you tell me whats wrong? (not sure its lack of any nutrient or still too many nutrients...)

for the full diary you can check this thread:

thanks in advance



Active Member
she is probably root bound and reaching the end of her life cycle
not sure there is much you can do how many weeks left?


Well-Known Member
A few more pics... the plant is not smelling well anymore.. I belive its mold... any way to stop it?
getting tip burn mid flower always gives people shit if she only got 1-2 weeks left just do as what u would do as in feeds thing about tip burn in flower is hard to tell if she is recovering as it's not gunna worry about producing new leaves as it would if u tip burnt in veg but in gunna keep flowering and the leaves will still go yellow cause A u tip burnt them B there pulling most of what the can get from the leaves so its still gunna go yellow no matter what u do ;)


Well-Known Member
Not mold. If it was mold the buds would be brown and when you pulled the bud apart it would be white, grey or brown with yellow balls of mold spores. If it was powdery mildew you would have white fuzzy spots on your plant.

It is just nutrient lock out. Trial and error.