
Active Member
I really hate seeing arguing on this fucking website, it makes me feel like a tool for even being a member here:dunce:.. I'm not an old man, In my twenties and I try to keep my skills pushin like everyone else should, so step up and use the fuckin website for helpful advice, not immature bickery... I can't find an answer to a question here without having to scroll through an argument that lasts like a page and a half in any thread:wall:

I didn't log on here for like 2 years specifically because of this crap, I only came back because I had an issue that I seriously needed help on.. Found my answer so apparently this place can be helpful for things other than just dick measuring..

Please everyone, if you are 40 but regularly just do act like a juvenile, or even if you are in highschool (and should definately not be in this business), at least PRETEND to have a little bit of class for the sake of the website and the spirit of Ganja:leaf:

Happy growin and better smokin guysbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Agreed...But just like in real life...A-holes abound.

Gotta just weave thru the BS posters...if possible.

Awsome avatar BTW.


Well-Known Member
YOUR WRONG IM RIGHT !! ITS A FACT !. Im rubber your glue whatever you say to me will bounce off and stick to you !. haha i win


Well-Known Member
I definitely have to agree. This place has been an invaluable library of information once you get past the pages and pages of CFLs suck! No they don't! and Molasses sucks! No it's great! etc. Arguments. All it does is confuse people and waste space. I would have been able to get the information I needed a lot quicker and with a lot less confusion if much of it wasn't so conflicting all the time.


Well-Known Member

Ok, let me get this straight... You didnt like the arguing 2 years ago so you left the website.

Now you return to find out that exactly NOTHING has changed.

And so, to fix things you make a post telling everyone to quit it?

Oh yeah, that is gonna make a difference.


New Member
Grown ups crying about people fighting on the net? Just ignore the shit you don't like, it's not that hard, not like a super power, well maybe for some of the weaker minded people it's a super power


New Member
I agree with this thread, and there are folks posting on this that are still proving you right!

I am amazed at how many people here just want to put everyone down, or call them liar. It is truly a joke.


Active Member
OP, dont let the haters stop ur shine.

lol your location reminds me of the cow commercial...what a stupid commercial, what animal would be happier in on state than another while they are being butchered/used for milk? obviously its a commercial, but a stupid one imo...maybe they would be happy in india


New Member
Japan freak, you are being argumentative........ don't you see that? Why not just find another post? I am outta here, regardless. Just wanted to show my support for keeping it nice on RIU. Not such a bad thing.


New Member
By crying? OK. Thanks, lots of support from the guy who only came back when he needed something and then bitched about the vibe. Well I sometimes argue with people, but I offer shit loads of advice and help as well.


Active Member
but sometimes you cant even getview on a thread without some drama or you click on a grow expecting to read somthing good and it 800 pages of casual conversations on how dumb someother guy, i simply posted apole for witch growers liked most green cure neems or burning sulfur and not one responce now eirther im black listed or forum full of fakes with some exceptions of course but really 2 seconds click one or we dont know what these are c'on your face. this is the wierdest thing this internet somtimes helpful and other well it as worthless as a2 peckerd goat but u have to go look anyways right.