No more odours with that!!


Hi everybody,

Each time i had a problem i found the answer or the quick fix solution here on the forum. People who share the same passion like to help others and i appreciate that as much as you.

Today it's my turn to share with you what i found the best of the best for odours KILLER. Odours can be a big problem when you grow, you don't want your complete house or the whole appartment complex to smell it and discover that you grow some weed.

I started my things on a closet in a triplex appartment. So for me odours was a big issue because i can deal with verry low odour that stay on my appartment but i can't have too much odour that people under me will be able to smell.

So because of this, before flowering i purchased a grow tent. I was shure a tent would be able to keep all odours inside. I also made my own little carbon filter and it remove a good part of the odours but most of the time you can still notice the marijuana odour in my appartment and i don't like that.

So after months of looking everywhere for the real deal, i found something that changed my life and removed all the stress i had for the odours related to growing plants especially in the last few weeks of flowering.

It's called: ONA PRO BLOCK

It's so powerful that if you grow in a small area, just drill few holes in it. This is 100% SAFE and can be placed right next to your plants in your closet, grow tent,etc. There is no danger for the plants. The ona pro block is made of plants. A combination of 30+ natural essential oils from plants and trees!

I tried all odour neutralizer, odour absorber, odour killer, air freshener, etc and nothing compare to the little ona pro block. In fact he is the only one to really do what he is supposed to do.

What is absolutely amazing is that cost only around 10$ the 6oz and can last for 30 days. It's available on few hydroshop, amazon, ebay, etc. Not only it's good but if you place one in your grow tent while flowering, an hour after there is no more smell at all. Nothing! Nadaaa.

I usually use a total of 2 ona pro block per grow from week 4 to until all is harvested and i have no odours when i enter in my appartment. I put one ona pro block at the time in my grow tent and it's enough for 5-6 plants.

I hope my discovery will help some people who are dealing with odours like i was.

P.s. I am not affiliated or anything with the company (if they read this maybe they should contact me and send me a free box) but i just want to share with other people like me a good solution to the odours problem.

Good luck,