No need for smell deterrant.


New Member

48 days flower today and there really isn't much of a smell outside the grow room as the incense and air fresheners keep it at bay.

As I walked into the grow room today I was instantly hit with the sweet lemon fragrance that covers every inch of the grow room. This really is the nicest smelling bud my nostrils have ever had the pleasure of inhaling.

It just doesn't smell like bud; I mean by growing this shit you could use it to fragrance your whole house and people would think that you have a fresh smelling house.

We've already taken one of the branches early and the smoke was a heavy stoned type of buzz. We've got a couple of plants that look as though they'll be ready for harvest just after the 8 week mark, the rest maybe following up to and over a week later.

I just can't get over the smell; I'm really not exagerating when I say you could have it as a fragrance for your house. If after only 47 days flower the effects can be so strong I think we have a prize winning strain on our hands.


New Member
Have you seen the date on this thread?

Those plants are long gone. I wouldn't mind getting some JTR in again. Lovely smoke. Subcool strains rock.