No Smell !!!!


New Member
I hve been growing 1 blue cheese an she is in her last couple of weeks of flowering an I have no smell

Prior to putting the light on after she's slept there is a smell of cannabis

This Is my first ever grow an i had a few hiccups at th start I pray that this is normal or is easily fixed

HELP!!!!! Thank You in advance


New Member
Shes looks great her nodes have just started to show orange colour her height is about 4ft but because she is blue cheese I expected the smell to be strong as this is my choice of smoke I know how pungent it can be an I expected her to smell the same during I said my first grow ever an I thought I had done really well for a newbie but am really doubting all my knowledge an hard work I've put into her......will she be ok !!!!!!


Shes looks great her nodes have just started to show orange colour her height is about 4ft but because she is blue cheese I expected the smell to be strong as this is my choice of smoke I know how pungent it can be an I expected her to smell the same during I said my first grow ever an I thought I had done really well for a newbie but am really doubting all my knowledge an hard work I've put into her......will she be ok !!!!!!

I wouldnt worry about it. My first grow I bought a 100$ carbon filter that I never had to use. I was expecting the smell to be overwhelming and it never came. Never had to use my filter. My bud was bomb with very little smell. Give it a proper dry and cure and the smell will come back hard.

I realize now those filters and such are most likely intended for some dude growing 30 plants in one room. Not us growing 4 plants in a closet :P


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry about it. My first grow I bought a 100$ carbon filter that I never had to use. I was expecting the smell to be overwhelming and it never came. Never had to use my filter. My bud was bomb with very little smell. Give it a proper dry and cure and the smell will come back hard.

I realize now those filters and such are most likely intended for some dude growing 30 plants in one room. Not us growing 4 plants in a closet :P
I have had just one plant in veg, stink up my whole house...and I do mean STINK!!!! had to get a filter to please my more stink.