NO Sun ,Rained for 9 days straight..1st grow help please


Okay, so its been raining for 9 days straight without any sun at all, I covered my plants three of the 9 nights, but it doesn't matter because it's been raining day and night...1st timer, so what exactly are the effects of this weather on my grow? Is everything still gonna be the same?


Well-Known Member
i think they will be fine there are made to be out side and they are weeds how far allong are they flowering?


Well-Known Member
The only problems I've ever had with the rain was during the early phases, when the plants were really tiny. I've had episodes were some really heavy rain would pretty much knock over and beat my small plants to death... literally.

But I've had looong perioids of rain with little sunlight with no problems on the bigger plants.

valley grower

Active Member
i wouldnt cover them let mother nature do her thing covering them traps moisture. after a good rain atleast go out there and shake the shit out of them