No Till First Outdoor GreenHouse - SoCal

Hey Rollitup Growers, Starting a Socal Greenhouse run in the next few weeks / month for the fam and wanted to get as much input possible as this will be my first grow not indoors. Any experienced grower input is valued and much appreciated. My plan is to do 10 auto flower strains to begin , and after the first cycle (ab 3 months), plant photoperiod clones to grow throughout the rest of the year. I am more inland so temperatures will be on the warmer sides of things. Right now climate is about 70/75 but warming up usually to around 80-90 latespring/summer. peak summer days 100 and hot ones ++. Temps die back to 60/65 or a bit lower on more extreme days. Tips on Environment control epecially airflow or tarps for cooling would be +.

The autoflower strains will be :
  • Barney's Farm Purple Punch
  • Garden of Green Cookies and Cream
  • Garden of Green GDP x Gumberry
  • Advanced Seeds Auto Gelato #33
  • DinaFem Seeds Kush N' Cheese
  • Fastbuds Six Shooter
  • SeedsMan Northern Lights
Now for the Dirt. I will be digging down into the ground and filling the holes with the re-amended soil mixture below. Im thinking of digging equivalent to a 30 gal pot but would like to know how deep of a hole to create before I set off to dig and fill. I havnt used Native Ground soil before or chicken manure so ratios on those are Neeeeded! I know chicken manure is pretty hot and where I will be getting most of the macros NPK so i plan to level that out and "dilute" with some less hot local compost. I would most likely dig up all the dirt mix it together with the listed amendments, and then water with a compost tea and let the Soil cook for a 2 weeks turning it once inbetween. Heres my breakdown so far.

Soil Composition
- Compost
-Native Ground Soil
-Sphagnum Peat Moss
-Chicken Manure - Application Ratio Neeeded*

For aeration I know 1/3 of my total soil volume should be composted of aeration. Due to cost I believe perlite or rice hulls would be the cheapest and most affordable option but wanted to hear grower input on putting perlite into the ground like that and the effect it could have on environment. Even though Hulls are natural and breakdown if they were better and more sustainable while still being an effective option I would be most inclined to go that route.

-1/3 of vol either in Lava Rock, Rice Hull, Or Perlite

For Soil Amendments My Mixture will include:
- Bio Live A Base all in 1 Amendment and has mixture of npk + micro Sources
- Kelp Meal
- Alfalfa
- Neem - soil bugs.
- Gypsum
- Dolomite Lime

Teas will consist of :
1. Alfalfa + Kelp
2. Corn SST
3.AACT Compost+Molasses

IPM - I would really appreciate help on Ipm and best organic methods before synthetics as my plants will be out in the elements and I will definitely be facing the forces of nature lol . Thinking of early on in their life introducing Rove Beetles and HypoAp Miles to the greenhouse space to add beneficial pressure.
- Diatomaceous Earth
- Neem Oil + Essential Oils
- Aloe Vera foliars + in tea
- forbid4f (dont want to use this but if it had to be done)
- Plus whatever great information I come across in this thread!

Really looking forward to starting my outdoor journey and seeing what information I'll be lucky to come across. Thanks for reading and I'll be sure to update this thread as the grow goes along.
- notillnospill
Thanks for wishing me luck and scoping in . The greenhouse is something like 10 or 16 x 20 but im not at the property to take measurements of the exact dimensions atm, but I have free reign as far as scale. i'll be able to check on the plants weekly/bi weekly and having the ranch owners just water teas and Ipm when im not there. Been searching around and saw your recommendation of some "PandaFilm" for covering. Temps will be up so would i want to go with something that I could roll the sides up or pop the top? Would like to have the plants somewhat concealed from prying eyes. These autos shouldn't get too big but preparing for the Photos to grow into some nice sized bushes over the year.

edit: Wish I could like shit lol
2nd Edit: I plan to also plant some compatible vegetables and herbs in a section of the greenhouse probably in a mini raised bed.
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What is your goal for this year? Quality? Quantity? Variety?Money? Experience? Personal stash? Who's paying for this? What's your budget? Good clean water available? Are you sharing with the land owner?.......quick, cheap, easy......pick 2
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Definitely Quality and variety AND the amazing Experience trying to grow the dank. and whatever I have left over is some good rent. The water is Well Water but they have an analysis of the water that was clean. As for budget depending on what it is either I or they would be paying for it but if it Ups Quality then it would be considered forsure. as for the end product id be splitting it somwhere around 40-50% depending on how much they want and could manage to run through and the yield
The best money you can spend on your grow is good soil. Using topshelf soil is the first big step you can make to insure the rest of your efforts won't go for naught. Top grade potting soil is not cheap but it will pay for itself in spades. Unless you are very familiar with soil construction I would invest in enough bags of Ocean Forrest or Happy Frog to do the job. Also I like to use smartpots for a host of reasons and they are very forgiving and easy to use. The second thing I would invest in would be enough 65-100gl smartpots to fill your greenhouse. The pots and the soil will last you several seasons. My greenhouse tops are covered with clear greenhouse fabric from a greenhouse manufacture and the sides roll up. But the sides and ends are also covered with mesh shade cloth, it provides privacy and good ventilation at the same time...
Ok. As for soil Im pretty comfortable with mixing and used my own mix based off of BuildAsoil, clackamuscoot, and subcools soil recipe for my no till run but wanted to hear if anyone had used some native ground soil and reamended . If cost were no concern I'd just get a few rectangular 100 glsmartpots and fill them with my mix recipe and replace with bigroots soil instead of the Native ground soil but I have acces to cheaper local compost in the area. I dont want to use fffof just because im trying to be all natural dry amendments but im not hating on it.
ok bro, those guys know a lot more than I do about building soils. But when I started to go down that lane and started pricing all the amendments and components that were included and premixed from a local nursery there was little savings to be had from mixing my own, especially if you include your labor. So I just buy soil by the yard and have it delivered. Here is what I use Formula 419 soil mix....
Formula 419 custom-blended potting soil is made from...

Canadian Peat Moss
OMRI Certified Organic Dairy Manure
Aged Forest Products
Worm Castings
Alfalfa Meal
Bat Guano
Blood Meal
Bone Meal
Cal Soft Rock Phosphate
Cascade Minerals
Crab Meal
Feather Meal
Fish Bone Meal
Glacial Rock Dust
Humic Acid
Kelp Meal
Oyster Shell Lime

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Yeah, I did that too but I realized this product Bio Live, not trying to advertise but it has a combo of the organic inputs and meals and is 5-4-2 ratio. Thats basically the backbone of the nutrient profile but ima check out this link rn.

Edit: I checked out the link good point of reference.
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Yeah, I did that too but I realized this product Bio Live, not trying to advertise but it has a combo of the organic inputs and meals and is 5-4-2 ratio. Thats basically the backbone of the nutrient profile but ima check out this link rn.

Edit: I checked out the link good point of reference.
Total off the subject but i grow no till in 15-50 ĺ smart pots amend after each cycle with A uk product called. Eco-thrive and live worms which regulate their own population contrary to popularlly believe once the populace is concentrated enough they cease to reproduce you never need another nitrogen supplement they shit half their body weight a day, some pots are now on their 6th plant without tilling the New plant uses the last plants roots paths meaming more energy for upwards growth and each successive plant has yield more than the 1 b4