Nominate your favorite BREEDER

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Name your absolute number one go to breeder. The one that holds the crown in your personal experience.

Must have grown at least 3 of the breeders strains to vouch for them. List those strains

My personal crown holder at the moment is Mr. Nice because of these strains

Critical Mass
Mango Haze
Super Silver Haze
NL5 x AFGHAN (grow in progress)(about 21 days to go)
Archive -- Flavour Pack was DIVINE & so far this Rainbow Belts is impressive. White Gold didn't tick my boxes, and I gave my Slurricane seedling to a buddy who wasn't impressed

ThugPug -- PEANUT BUTTER BREATH. WHY AM I YELLING :lol: it's the only ThugPug I've grown but it's the only one i ever cared about, but i also grew a ThugPug cross which was also great.

Humboldt Seed Co -- Mountaintop Mint was awesome, Collie Man Kush is a sour gem, Hella Jelly was a fast finisher with a really nice nose, smoked a couple others not grown by me, all were tasty.