Non-personal growers and male plants


How come every time you buy mids, there are seeds in it? I do not mean literally because I know male plants are the cause, but WTF get rid of the male plants! There is no purpose for them so I want to know why they are kept. It pisses me off every time there are seeds in my shit. What the hell is the point of male plants. For the love of Gihad stop being lazy and get them out of there. Just my opinion.
:bigjoint: Peace


Well-Known Member
its not always cause there was a male plant in the garden,maybe the grower ran it a problem with something and stressed a few plants out so they went hermie on him.and yes a hermie plant can and will pollant(<---don;t think i spelled it rihgt) other plants in the garden


Active Member
its because most of the commercial grow ops that produce large amounts of mediocre weed dont feel the need or have the time and go through and check every plant..they put the least amount of time and effort to get the largest profit