Non psychoactive CBD hemp in the tropics


Hi, I live in Ghana where the photoperiod is 12/12 the whole year.

Are there cultivars of non psychoactive (0.3% thc max.) CBD hemp that is suitable to grow outdoors in tropical/subtropical areas under 12/12 without artificial light supplementation?
Which would be the best strain for flowers and which one for industrial seed, stalks,etc. production?
Any breeders to recommend?
Thanks in advance
I have only bought from Cheyenne Mountain this year. They only sell hemp but have a sister company that sells MJ seeds. I got very good service from a live person. When I called the line was busy so I just hung up. Half hour later they called me. I didn't even leave a message. Anyhow, he recommended the strain that does the best in Oklahoma and even sent extra seeds. They have their own seed farm in Colorado. I think they are good people.