Noob building fridge grow box :-0


Active Member
Hey guys, just wanted to introduce myself before I bombard you all with a loads of questions .

Been roaming the forum for the last few weeks trying to gain as much information as I could before I started my grow, I've learnt alot from people success but also learnt alot from the failures too.

I've researched fridge grows, and I know there are a few pitfalls with them which I am well aware of, Heat issues, cold issues, also humidity issues, But I've done a fair bit of research and I'm confident I can overcome these problems with a bit of tinkering here and there.
So I got this from a neighbour today for free which is a good start

After a bloody good clean, I removed all the non essential bits, the motor and all the nasty stuff had already been removed which was a bonus.
I cut the middle part out that separates the fridge and the freezer, (which was a messy job) and ended up with this

So, I'm looking to produce 1-2 oz per grow, obviously only big enough to grow 1 at a time, using a Viparspectra 300w, fridge is approx 500mm x 500mm and 1.8m high.

On my shopping list I have a Rhino carbon filter and fan for the exhaust, and was going to do a passive inlet with 2 x 3inch holes at the bottom. Which I have drawn on in this picture
Do you think this will be suffient? I could always increase the size or add more if not.

I know this is all quite vague at the minute but please tell me I'm going in the right direction and I would love to see similar builds/grows.

Cheers, I'll be back once I've got more done.