NOOB gardener from the mid-west

Hello, I am a new gardener and it seems i am running into a few problems :-( these plants seem to have multiple problems with them.
I am running a 400 watt hps with a good air flow. The tallest is 20'' from the light. I am using ocean forest Foxfarm soil and watering every 3rd day alternating with earth juice/grow 1 tbls. per 1 gallon of water and once with regular water. So what am i doing wrong and how can i fix this problem?
The tops of the plants in my opinion look beautiful and seem to be growing nicely.
Is it time for me to replant these?

I don't know where these lines are coming from in the pic's, maybe to much light..?

Munk Dog

Hey man. Looks like me when I started out so Im gonna ask a quick couple of questions that may or may not help you out.

1. What kind of water you using? Tap? Distilled? R/O? I suggest one of the latter two. Gall of distilled water is like 80 cents and can save you alot of hassle.R/O Systems are a little more expensive, but imo better than distilled.
2. If you're using tap, are you letting it sit at least 24 hours to let the clorine disapate? Chlorine is not bud friendly.
3. Have you been checking the PH on the water you use for feeding? If you check what ever nutes your using on the label it should tell you the ideal PH range. I noticed the FF grow medium. If you're using their nutes they have a very strict ph range. Fox Farms is great nutes, but im not a big fan of the nute ph range. I use Flora Nova. A little more lazy person friendly.
4. Have you been misting the leaves with a spray bottle? I would suggest doing this either in the evening or closer to the end of your light cycle(unless your running 24's) as the light sitting there on the beads of water will burn the leaves.

And yeah. You might want to go ahead and get those ladies into biggers pots. Make sure the roots have plenty of room to branch out, because during my first grow 3 of my 4 plants got RBound. That was a crappy day. lol
i have been using tap and the pH value is at 7. However you have me sold on distilled. I have been reading and reading and it seems to me that the best ''Lazy friendly" nuit is tea.. So I recently bought organigro and i will brew it with distilled water the ingredients: Earthworm castings, bat guano, seabird guano, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, green sand, Epsom salt, dried molasses. You can't over do it you can't burn the plants everything you need for nuits is in there already, its all natural, the tea brewer cost me under $10 to build and the tea only cost me $6 premixed. I bought 2 bags (each bag mixes 5 gallons) I will split each bag and brew it through pantyhose in 2.5 gallons of distilled water and use it as a foliar spray and also feed the root zone with it.
I am waiting on the
organigro to show up in the mail and i will replant these girls then.. Wish me luck :P