Noob in need of alittle guidance


This is my first grow i started germ on Mar. 20th so i'm like 9 weeks. I changed my light to 12/12 today on the white room. I water small doses twice a day and MG once a week. Using potting soil with MG perlite. I heard something about using molasses after the first week or two of flowering til harvest.. I want to do this but don't know all the details. In there i'm using two 2' 75watt flour lights and a agrosun 150watt incandescent sun spectram light above. That light is really hot and i've kinda had a hard time keepin the temp down but it's usually around 80 82 sometimes 85? More worried about buds prematurely ripening. Next round I WILL have better lights. Two fans in and out. The red box is an ebb and flow hydro setup. I wasn't ever planning on gettin the plant this big until after flowering but they just seemed to keep stretching for light or something? I've done various trims and topped the two outside plants about 3 or 4 weeks ago(too soon i think) The little grow box thing i started germ on 420! I still have it at 18/6 but i was thinking about kickin it up to 20 hrs? i have two two 13watt cfl lights and a little dwc system. um ya i think that's about it just wanting alittle feedback and just someone to talk to about this shit like our own little club..... Thanks everyone

sorry bout the quality of the pics have some better ones soon!!

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Well-Known Member
let's see if i can get you started on the right road:

1. read, read, read. the three links in my signature below are worth going through as are some of the stickies in each forum. you'll have lots of specific questions once you've covered the basics.
2. you need more light to have a decent yield for your efforts. you need at least 3,000 lumens per square foot of growing area. three times that would be even better. your fluoro are probably 20 watt actual bulbs with 2,000 lumens each. your incandescent light is useless because of the spectrum and heat output. so you've got about 4,000 lumens covering (guess) 6 square feet where you should be at 18,000 - 54,000 lumens. you can use fluro tubes, cfl's or invest in a hps light.
3. with fluorescents you want to keep the light within a couple of inches of the plant.
4. weed likes a particular watering pattern in soil - drench thoroughly until water is running out of the bottom of your pot. then let alone until the soil is dry a couple of inches down. repeat. you'll probably end up watering once every three or four days.


Hey thanks for the reply I have been doin quite a bit of reading but i really thought that incand light would be producing more than it is i never really looked but it's only 2600 lumen soooo im gonna make a few changes and post again soon!!


Yes dude, this is our own little club :)
Now the molasses I heard is good too, but haven't used it yet- I bet since it's a simple carbohydrate that it'll come thru for ya in yield. Now, your lights aren't up to snuff. I know because I started with all CFL's and grew "buds for less" style for a couple crops....I didn't see any awesome powerful results until I invested a little $ into an HID system (that's high intensity discharge lights system) like a metal halide light or a high pressure sodium light. You don't have to get the 1000 watt to get started actually get the 600 watt hps for flowering bro. You won't get the results your after like good bud density and high yield until you get a HID light. just my 2 cents--


ya i really wanna do something like that but im a little worried about temp because of where my room is located but i have my eye on some big improvements for next round.. i just wanna try to make the best outta this crop so im not just a loss of all that time. I've come to the realization that this harvest won't be as satisfying as original expected BUT once again come next round i'll be a little more prepared
thanks for posting!!


So i've made a few changes to my setup.. i took out the incandescent light and put a 1oo watt cfl daylight bulb in there dropped it down right on to one of my babies and a friend gave me a 4ft 4 bulb flour light and i filled it with the daylight bulbs with the two old 75w grow lights.. so over all I have around 15,800 lumens in like an 8 sq ft room hopefully is makes a difference