Noob indoor Grower,but can anyone confirm what this is? Thankyou


Well-Known Member
from what I can tell.. from the low quality pics here.. it looks normal to me man.

looks like a cluster of leafs.


Well-Known Member
looks like male pods. can you get a clear pic?
listen to this guy.. he knows his shit.

*high five* fdd2blk.

I didn't want to tell him it could be a male.. until I could tell for a fact that, that's what it is.

Anyhow, good luck!

damn sadly no,all i have is my camera phone untill tonight. But ill take your word and just separate him from the rest to be safe. Thanks for the help bro.


Well-Known Member
I'd have to disagree, just because someone has to argue with FDD in every thread he posts in :D

Looks like pre-flowers to me man, pods are more on the stalk than at the very top. Just my opinion. Obviously focused pictures would help infinitely.